Sunday, September 29, 2013

Inspiring Scriptures

I hesitate calling this 'Inspiring Scriptures' instead of something more specific because, what if I post something else about scriptures that I can't get more specific than 'inspiring'?  Oh well. : )

So I'm taking a Shakespeare class from the woman who taught my CC class last year.  Her daughter loves Shakespeare so her mom's doing this class for free for specific friends this year.  It has been awesome so far and we haven't even started a play!  So far we've just been studying Shakespeare's life, his language and the time period he lived in.  We start Taming of the Shrew in October.  So in preparation for that we were given some assignments to study up on this week.  One of them was to read the list of scriptures given on Gender Roles/Marriage and Beauty (we're studying Shakespeare with a Christian view).  I was really inspired by what I read and I thought I'd share it.  I'd really encourage you to look them up yourselves, but I'll just share the main point of each scripture.

Gender Roles and Marriage
  • Ephesians 5:22-33 ~ These scriptures tell wives to be submissive to their husbands and tell the husbands to love their wives as much as they love themselves.  Make sure to look at the second footnote in verse 33 where it helps to replace reverence with respect.
  • Genesis 3:16 ~ This verse talks about a woman's role to have children.
  • Proverbs 31:10-31 ~ The first of these scriptures is the one that says "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."  And the verses that follow describe what qualities a virtuous woman should have and what her duty is to her husband. In verse 30 it mentions beauty. These are really very beautiful scriptures and I would like to add something that I researched.  I was curious about the value of rubies so I googled the worth of them compared to other jewels.  Rubies are more rare and of more worth than any other jewel.  Here's something I cut and pasted comparing rubies to diamonds.  "Thus, while a 1-carat ruby is worth twice as much as a 1-carat diamond, a 3-carat ruby of the first quality is worth ten times as much as a diamond of the same description, that is to say, that while a 3-carat brilliant of the first water would be valued at about $16,300, a ruby of the same description would be worth about $160,300. The value of a 5-carat."  I thought that was quite fascinating and made me feel very special.
  • 1 Corinthians 7:4 ~ My interpretation of this was husband's and wive's responsibility for one another.
  • 1 Peter 3:4 ~ It's the inside that counts.
  • 1 Samuel 16:7 ~ The world looks at the outside appearance, but the Lord look at the heart.
I also learned something in Sunday School today that was very fascinating and moving.  You might already know this, but I've never heard it before.  So by the end of the Book of Mormon the Nephites are all destroyed, but the Lamanites aren't.  Yeah, the Lamanites are good at the end, but when you add all the years of iniquity that they both went through they seem to be equal.  Well in Jacob 2:35, 3:5-7 talk about how the Lamanites are not destroyed because they stay loyal to their wives and the Nephites don't.  Sometimes it may seem like women aren't talked about a lot in the scriptures, but if staying loyal to their wives or not is the big tip off for getting destroyed or not, I think just in those few verses it testifies very strongly how precious and important women and marriage is.  So there's my inspiring thought for the day. : ) 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September Must Have

Well, things have been kind of chaotic in my house lately so I haven't had much spare time, but I new I had to post at least once in September.  And I was doing so well in August (for me anyway) and I don't want to mess that up.  So.

Little Jason may have tossed up our schedule, but I love him so much.  He is so adorable and he NEVER cries.  He fusses when he needs to eat, but that is literally all.  We have been so blessed and I think it's cause Heavenly Father knew that our life was busy enough with our homeschool and church schedule and hard enough since we just moved (not just, but recently).  I wish I could put into words how adorable he is...but I can't. : )

Seminary is going awesome.  I think I even love it as much as I loved last year which makes me so happy because I was so worried that I would be disappointed after having such a good experience my first year.  My ward is put together with the 0 period class that starts at 5:50.  Even though I was really bummed that I only got 5 more minutes than last year I thought that I should attend seminary with my ward.  So I went the first day and came back heartbroken.  Because it was the 0 period class everyone was dressed for school except me and it was a class of something like 25 kids.  It scared me.  We called the person in charge and I switched classes that night.  The rest of the stake meets at 6:50, divided by grade.  So now I meet with all the sophomores in the stake and we add up to 15 kids.  It's so much better and I totally love all the kids.  There's actually more boys than girls which is a major first for me.  In every single boy/girl group I have been in the girls always outnumbered the boys.  Now there's 9 boys and 6 girls, so that's fun.  My class is taught by an older couple and I just love them too.  I love learning from them.  I love the scriptures so much.  It seriously breaks my heart if I miss a day because that means I've missed digging into a chapter in a way I haven't before.  Seminary is really one of my favorite things.  Without it, I don't think I'd be able to be happy after this move.  It makes me happy.

I finished Driver's Ed!!!  I passed the final test on Friday and the certificate was sent.  So as soon as it comes I can go take the test at the DMV and get my permit!  I'm getting excited (though I'm still terrified) though now I'm just nervous about passing the permit test.  Wish me luck.

I have finished all the squares for my crocheted quilt and am now working on sewing them together.  This has been such a project.  I've been working on it for over a year!  It will be so refreshing to work on something else when I'm done.

I've completed 4 of the 8 values in Personal Progress and will have completed another one as soon as I finish my quilt!  This makes me really happy because I want to finish it and have time to get an Honor Bee (the reward for doing the extra mile requirements) before I leave YW.

I got a regular babysitting job that starts in October!  The woman that teaches Anna and Gracie ballet has four beautiful blonde children and the two youngest need a babysitter during one of the weekly classes.  They are the sweetest things and I'm so excited for this!  I'll be babysitting them a couple hours a week and she said she hopes to work up to $10 an hour!

I think that's enough for now.  Love you all!