Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September Must Have

Well, things have been kind of chaotic in my house lately so I haven't had much spare time, but I new I had to post at least once in September.  And I was doing so well in August (for me anyway) and I don't want to mess that up.  So.

Little Jason may have tossed up our schedule, but I love him so much.  He is so adorable and he NEVER cries.  He fusses when he needs to eat, but that is literally all.  We have been so blessed and I think it's cause Heavenly Father knew that our life was busy enough with our homeschool and church schedule and hard enough since we just moved (not just, but recently).  I wish I could put into words how adorable he is...but I can't. : )

Seminary is going awesome.  I think I even love it as much as I loved last year which makes me so happy because I was so worried that I would be disappointed after having such a good experience my first year.  My ward is put together with the 0 period class that starts at 5:50.  Even though I was really bummed that I only got 5 more minutes than last year I thought that I should attend seminary with my ward.  So I went the first day and came back heartbroken.  Because it was the 0 period class everyone was dressed for school except me and it was a class of something like 25 kids.  It scared me.  We called the person in charge and I switched classes that night.  The rest of the stake meets at 6:50, divided by grade.  So now I meet with all the sophomores in the stake and we add up to 15 kids.  It's so much better and I totally love all the kids.  There's actually more boys than girls which is a major first for me.  In every single boy/girl group I have been in the girls always outnumbered the boys.  Now there's 9 boys and 6 girls, so that's fun.  My class is taught by an older couple and I just love them too.  I love learning from them.  I love the scriptures so much.  It seriously breaks my heart if I miss a day because that means I've missed digging into a chapter in a way I haven't before.  Seminary is really one of my favorite things.  Without it, I don't think I'd be able to be happy after this move.  It makes me happy.

I finished Driver's Ed!!!  I passed the final test on Friday and the certificate was sent.  So as soon as it comes I can go take the test at the DMV and get my permit!  I'm getting excited (though I'm still terrified) though now I'm just nervous about passing the permit test.  Wish me luck.

I have finished all the squares for my crocheted quilt and am now working on sewing them together.  This has been such a project.  I've been working on it for over a year!  It will be so refreshing to work on something else when I'm done.

I've completed 4 of the 8 values in Personal Progress and will have completed another one as soon as I finish my quilt!  This makes me really happy because I want to finish it and have time to get an Honor Bee (the reward for doing the extra mile requirements) before I leave YW.

I got a regular babysitting job that starts in October!  The woman that teaches Anna and Gracie ballet has four beautiful blonde children and the two youngest need a babysitter during one of the weekly classes.  They are the sweetest things and I'm so excited for this!  I'll be babysitting them a couple hours a week and she said she hopes to work up to $10 an hour!

I think that's enough for now.  Love you all!


  1. That babysitting gig sounds awesome!

    You are seriously so amazing Aliese. You are so righteous and good. I'm so glad you love the gospel and seminary. You are such a good example!

    Love you!!!!!!!!!

  2. What a great blog! Even though I knew most of it I still enjoyed reading it. I agree, Heavenly Father blessed your family with that sweet little boy who never cries because you needed him that way! I tell everyone that he is perfect and they laugh, and I say "no really he is #12 and I had 6 children and none of them are like him, he never cries" then they believe me. You are so amazing! I love how you love your scriptures, seminary and how you want to achieve all that you are required and more. As far as the driving goes, I think if you mom lets you drive home from seminary and the places on the back streets you will do fine. Then when you are comfortable you can attack the Freeways! love and miss you already!

  3. I love that you love little Jason so much. That is so wonderful! I am so glad that he is a good baby, He looks so happy and content in all of the pictures on the phone. I am so glad you love going to seminary and that you love the scriptures. I think you are an amazing young woman. It isn't easy to get all of those YW awards and that quilt must really be a big project. I am in awe that you took on such a big project. I am proud that you passed the driver's ed course, that isn't easy. I had a hard time with one of the driver's test once as when I studied the manuel I didn't read about the drunk driving part, cause I don't drink, but a lot of questions on the test I took were about that, so guess what I failed that one..... Because I thought I didn't need to know about it. HA! I still needed to answer the questions, so I learned a hard lesson. I Love you so much. Hugs

  4. WHOA that's 20 bucks a week!!!! YOWSA! You are going to be rich! I'm so glad that you love Jason so much, and that he is such a good baby. Good babies are such a blessing, bc like megan said , even good babies are hard, so imagine what a hard baby is like! I'm so happy that you love seminary so much. Unfortunately my experience was not like that, I'm so glad that yours is different and so spiritual. I hear adults STILL talk about seminary, and things that changed their lives, or scriptures they remember, and I don't have any of that, I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad you got out of the other class, bc I don't think mixed grades is good, I mean- if it's like - NewYork, and there's no mormons- ha- then yeah- you mix all the grades! and have a class of 3! But- with THAT many kids- def worth it to split them up into grades. I remember my teacher was sick and we joined the grade above us for the week, and I just felt wierd, and left out, and just out of place, I didn't like it. More boys than girls- that's a good ratio!!! :) love you
