Today we are leaving to go to my mom's friends house. We will leave this afternoon and get there at about dinner time. We will all stay the weekend and then on Monday Anna and Mom will leave for California. Gracie might go but probably not. Lizzie is worried about Gracie going to her house. So we will see how Gracie does this weekend. She will only go to California if she is like falling apart the whole time and would die to be left alone. Which she probably won't do.
Yesterday we all got up expecting to do all the packing and cleaning of the car and shopping and everything, but we didn't. We did a little shopping, laundry, and fondue. Every Valentines day we have a fondue and since we will be at my mom's friend's house on Valentines day we had it early. Mom sang "The very thought of You" with Nat King Cole on the CD. The whole time I was just laughing and laughing. Her face expressions were so funny. When she was done I asked, "How did you memorize that? You are never good at lyrics." She looked at me and answered, "Probably because I listened to this a hundred times in high school. When everyone else was listening to... I don't know what, I was listening to Nat King Cole." So we didn't do much yesterday. We are doing everything today. Packing, loading, the car, and what not. I have nothing to do because I'm just waiting for the laundry to finish.
I have been looking at Nonnie's new blog lately. It's called Little Nellie. It is about when she was little. There are a lot of cool posts. I noticed that the only people that comment are me and Grandma Sharon. If you don't look at it you should start. In one of the posts she gets stung by a scorpion. She wrote about her first Valentines Day and everything. I have to go. And there isn't anything else that I can think of to post, anyway.
I hope you had fun at your Mom's friends house. Thanks for being so supportive of her coming to help me. It was wonderful to have her here.