Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm back all ready!

Being a member of the church is so amazing. I don't know what people do when they move if they aren't members of the church. Today some people came from the ward to help out. Our electricity went out last night so today they came and put all our food in some coolers they brought. Then they left and came back at around 4. They (with my help) washed some loads of laundry. Since our dryer is still not working when they left they took it to dry at their house. They also completely cleaned and organized moms room. And they folded clothes and cleaned the kitchen. Right before they left they vacuumed. We still haven't made any friends st the apartments. One of the girls who came to help clean is almost my age. She turns 13 next month. She is nice. She hasn't read the Harry Potters and hasn't seen the 5th one. I told her she would have to come over some time and watch it. She's nice.

We are all good. I still have not gotten my new cord for my camera but my dad said he ordered one. I can't wait till you all see what I did. And you can see how well I take pictures. My camera is great. Christmas we went to see the lights that blink on and of according to one radio station and my camera took a good picture of it. You could really see the lights. Grandma was amazed at how well the picture looked.

Gracie's birthday. Yes. It is coming up soon. I know what I will get her I think, but I don't have it. You know how at Walmart there are these animal sets. With a couple horses or something like that. When we were at mom's friends house they collected horses. They had tons. Horses, saddles, blankets, food, stables. There was even a little thing you could fill up with water and then pump it up into a hose like a marshy place. And ever since she saw those she had wanted some of her own. I won't get her a lot, but I could get her a few. I think they each come with some food or a saddle. Anna made her a necklace and decorated a bobby pin with beads that match. I think Gracie will get some good presents and well wrapped too. I went through the wrapping stuff and we still have a lot of it even though we got rid of have of it when we moved. The move was hard at first. Mom hurt her back and all, but she is better. And box by box slowly we are getting unpacked.


  1. Great blog!! I agree, I don't know how people live without the church! I am so glad they came and helped. They really did a lot. I am glad you met a girl around your age. It sounds like you are doing well. It's amazing isn't it how we can adapt to new situations that aren't all that easy? I haven't finished Gracie's present. I feel really bad. It will be late! I love your blogs, keep it up!! love you!!!

  2. I know, I have thought about the same thing when people move, how do they find a new church to go to? having to completely start over. And we don't have to do that, and there's that automatic love and support. I'm so glad they all came over to help, it just shows how Heavenly Father truly provides, he truly makes up for the missing pieces in our lives. Just when you think you don't know what you're going to do, he takes care of it, through a phone call, a friend, a card, a visit, or just a feeling inside. I hope that 13 year old ends up being a good friend, I'd be so happy if you could make a good friend where you live. Your camera sounds really nice, and I'm excited to see the pics- love you and miss you!

  3. oh yeah- and when I talked to gracie on the phone- she said she wanted "horsies" :)

  4. Your new ward sounds amazing. I bet it felt so welcoming to have all those people come over and care for you without even knowing you.

    How fun that you will get new bedroom furniture. I love buying furniture and picking it out.

    It's cool that you have your own camera. I'm excited for you Dad to get you a new cord so you can post pictures.

    Love you.

  5. Moving is such a process. I'm glad you have such a wonderful ward. Church really can be like one big family! It's supposed to be that way. I can't wait to see the pictures. I gotta run. Keep posting!
