Tuesday, June 3, 2014

16 Goals so far...

So, here's a sum up of my progress on my 16 goals while I'm 16 years old.

  1. Complete Personal Progress and get my YW medallion
  2. Get my driver's license
  3. Finish the Book of Mormon (for the second time)
  4. Read 6 new books
  5. Empty my project drawer
  6. Take the CHESPE test and pass
  7. Go to Mormon Prom
  8. Read scriptures every single day (I failed this...but have started anew.  So, I'm doing my best from now on, but will make this my new years resolution every year until I do it.)
  9. Read a Jane Austen book
  10. Give away X amount of Books of Mormon
  11. Crochet an outfit for Jason (booties, vest, hat)
  12. Go to EFY
  13. Help plan and go to Stake Youth Conference and invite some nonmember friends (I was unable to invite friends due to the fact that since all my nonmember friends live 15-20 min away they would have to stay at my house for the weekend and Mom and Steve were out of town.  I was not aware of this when I made the goal, so it wasn't my fault!)
  14. Cook 8 meals
  15. Cook 10 new desserts that I've never made before
  16. Memorize all of the Book of Mormon scripture mastery verses
Well...it's progress.  I'm planning to get a lot done this summer.

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