Tuesday, February 18, 2014

16 Goals for a 16-year-old

Sooo, I'm not really sure where to start or how much I really need to catch up on.  I got to see some friends in Tom Sawyer the Musical, two of which starred as Aunt Polly and Huck so that was fun!  I'd never seen that musical before and I loved it!

I got to go to Disneyland for my birthday, and I brought a friend from Shakespeare class!  That was a blast.  I so wanted to come up with the entire list we did, but obviously I can't remember now. :( Oh well.

We went to Lizzie's for the weekend and that was super fun as always.  They finally got a piano!  It's sooo exciting!  I'm so glad that her kids get to start young and I really hope they love it.

I just finished a really good book.  It's by Julianne Donaldson.  This is her second book, and I've read and loved both.  The book I just finished is called Blackmoore.  She bases her books in Jane Austen times and she seriously comes up with such heart wrenching romances and characters (especially the "prince charming" characters ;) that you just fall in love with.

I've been meaning to write my goals for this next year of my life for the past two weeks.  Where has the time gone?!  Where does it go??  I feel like it just slips through my fingers faster than usual lately.  It also kind of scares me how so much of my future depends on what's happening right now.  What with studying for the test that ensures I get into college that I have to take in a little over a month.  And so many people say they wished they'd paid more attention in seminary and memorized the Scripture Mastery verses better.  *exasperated sigh*

So!  Here are my 16 goals to complete while I'm 16 in no particular order (thanks for the idea, Danielle!)

  1. Complete Personal Progress and get my YW medallion
  2. Get my driver's license
  3. Finish the Book of Mormon (for the second time)
  4. Read 6 new books
  5. Empty my project drawer
  6. Take the CHESPE test and pass
  7. Go to Mormon Prom
  8. Read scriptures every single day
  9. Read a Jane Austen book
  10. Give away X amount of Books of Mormon
  11. Crochet an outfit for Jason (booties, vest, hat)
  12. Go to EFY
  13. Help plan and go to Stake Youth Conference and invite some nonmember friends
  14. Cook 8 meals
  15. Cook 10 new desserts that I've never made before
  16. Memorize all of the Book of Mormon scripture mastery verses
Some of them like Mormon Prom and EFY are unnecessary, I guess, cause I'm going to do them whether they're on this list or not, but I don't wanna push myself too much this first try.  About the giving away BOMs goal, I need feedback on what number I should strive for cause I have no idea.  And I'm worried about the last one because I am soo behind.  Last year my seminary teacher worked with us for five minutes every morning with lots of different techniques to help us memorize all of them and I got all of them pretty well!  This year my teachers have been helping us memorize the reference with a one line rhyme and I guess rhymes just don't click with me or something because I know hardly any. *another exasperated sigh* Well there they are!  Comment please!  Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Well, first fun stuff at the beginning!! I love plays and musicals. Your goals, amazing. I am so proud of you that you have read the BOM once already!! You will love it again. I think the amounts you put are very good. By saying you will read your scriptures every day you will probably almost do it. If you had said less you would have done less.I love the cooking ones also, you will thank yourself later in life when you are on your mission, college and married!!! I am excited for you to get your licence. I think that was one of my happiest days. I felt free for the first time in my life. I am so sad for you that your teachers don't help you more with your scripture mastery. Maybe you will just have to take that 5 min a day yourself. About giving BOM away. I have no idea. But I will say when I had one in my car, I ran into someone to give it to. So maybe instead of an amount you could always have one in the car and then you will think of it and ask people more often. Love you soooooo much! I'm so glad you blog, I look off and on to see if you have blogged.
