Friday, March 28, 2014

Busy Homeschooler

Oh my goodness, I can't believe how long it's been.  I've been sooo busy!!! I am on the youth planning committee for our stake's Youth Conference so that requires a lot of time and planning, including the 7:30 meetings every Sunday morning from a month or two ago to Youth Conference in April.  I'm also in one of the singing groups for Youth Conference that meets on Sundays after church, so honestly my Sundays aren't feeling very restful lately.

I also had the CHSPE test, which is the equivalent of a high school diploma if I pass.  I was cramming and stressing over that for a while.  I finally took it last Saturday and honestly have no idea how I did.  Half of me says I did pretty well and the other half says I failed miserably.  I find out in over a month. : (

Then of course there's Wizard of Oz and Schoolhouse Rock that I'm getting ready for...

So I've felt super busy lately, but I have been feeling so lazy too.  So ready for spring break.  So not having the desire to do anything has not helped my schedule.

Anyway, guess what I'm gonna say?  I got to see some friends in their school musical last night!  That seems to be the one consistent thing I blog about.  I'm so lucky to have such talented friends!  Last night was the opening night of The Music Man and one of my friends was Professor Hill!  He was the one that was another lead (though not the main one) in a musical I saw last summer, that I blogged about.  He did soo well!  I also had two friends who were the "Pick a little, talk a little" ladies (the one song that's super fast and they kinda sound like chickens), a friend in the chorus, and another in the orchestra playing her violin.  It was sooo fun!!

Well this little thing has taken me forever and I need to pack for tomorrow.  Love you all!


  1. I loved going to highschool musicals when your mom and Jacob were in high school. Jake was in the bargershop quartet in the Music Man. His group went on to do lots of numbers for other things in highschool and even at your mom and dad's reception. I am happy you are busy, especially with the things you are busy doing. Those prepare you for later leadership. I could never have done the callings I did as young as I did if it weren't for the leadership callings I had as a youth. Plus all those things, even though they are wearing, bring us so much joy and keep us busy. Being busy keeps us out of trouble! I love you soooo much!!!

  2. You are SO BUSY!!!! I can't wait to find out the scores for your test. It must be killing you!!!! the musicals- I miss that. That was always so fun in highschool going to see the plays, especially when your friends were in them! I always got such a high out of just being in the auditorium, so much energy in the room! I loved it! I love you!
