Monday, March 16, 2009

Change in Plans

Well, there was a change in plans about the scuba diving. The trip was not just scuba diving. It was going to take up the entire day. And my family and I were going to Boise that same day. And grandma and grandpa were leaving that day (that isn't really a reason, I just thought the more "fake" reasons I had the more comfortable my parents would be with me not going). If any of you know me than you would know that I'm kinda shy when it comes to stuff like that. So, I decided not to go scuba diving. I know I missed a huge opportunity and I will probably never get that opportunity again.... But you know what's funny, a week before the scuba diving trip my best friend Kelsi said she might not be going scuba diving and I told her she was crazy to not go, but what do you know, I didn't go scuba diving. So I guess you could probably call me a hypocrite (I'm not sure that's how you spell it). Couldn't you?


  1. I wrote you an email before I saw that you had blogged! You aren't a hypocrite, just human! I am glad you blogged, hope all is well, miss you all! I love you!!!!

  2. WELL, an oppertunity will come again, and next time, take it. There are so many things- that i MADE myself do, and I'm so glad I did them afterwards. they might have given me the butterflies, made me nervous, but afterwards I was so glad I did it. For example- I was in a Highschool competition- and I ended up winning! I was in a drama play in highschool- and everyone loved it, I played the piano and sang at church one time, and it turned out so good. Alot of things are hard, but afterwards you are glad you did it, and it makes you mroe comfortable with trying out new things. I love you Aliese, we were alot alike when I was younger. I was sooooo shy. I love you and miss you. I wish I lived by you guys!

  3. I think you are wonderful!!! You will have other opportunites to go scuba diving. I think Amy is right, there are a lot of things we have to strech to do. Even as old as I am there are sometimes things I think I want to do and then when the time comes I weasel out of it. So go figure, there are times and seasons for all things and so you will have other times, and if the season is right you will do it and if not you may not. Never stress or beat yourself up about a choice you have made in the past, because there was a reason for that choice. Today is the time to embrace and enjoy and don't worry about what you did yesterday, as you can't change it you can only learn from the experience you have had. Be happy and love all that you do and have fun as you go. I love and miss you and I bet you will be happy for Wed to come when your mom comes home. Hugs and Kisses nonnie

  4. I can relate, Aliese. I have missed out on many opportunity. Then I married Greg and he always wants to do everything, and excourages me to try too. And so I do, and trust me Aliese, it's much more fun to try things that are scary. 99% of the time, instead of it being bad, it ends up being fun. Of all the things I tried, even though I was nervous, I have NO REGRETS. But as for things I HAVEN'T DONE, they are all regrets. Live life. Next time some opportunity comes around, just go for it. Trust me, it will be fun.

  5. Don't worry about being a hypocrite (and you did spell it right). Everybody is sometimes.

  6. Hey Aliese! That is too bad that you didn't go scuba diving. I think you would have loved it! Like Megan and Amy said--next time just go for it!! I know too many people who have let life pass them by because they are too afraid to try new things or are too afraid what others will think about them (because they are shy). The truth is, new things make life exciting, and it doesn't really matter what other people think. I say fill your life with as many neat experiences as you can. You are rarely going to look back on your life and say "man, I wish I stayed home and did the same old thing more often." But you may look back and say, "man I think I would have really liked doing that (for instance, scuba diving). I wish I would have tried it!" I know that I often look back on experiences that I almost passed up and think "wow, I am so glad I did that even though I was tired, or scared or whatever!" Anyway, you will have another chance to scuba dive if it is something that you want to try! Hope that school and everything is going well! Say hi to the family for me!
