Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Past Week

The past week has been eventful. It all started last Tuesday when I went to Girls Camp. You guys were all right. It was great and I loved it. My favorite part had to be the floating trip. We went down a river in conoes! I knelt on the floor in the middle of the conoe and paddled. But I was with two leaders a lot stronger than me so I didn't make much of a difference. It was so fun and peaceful. I didn't wear my glasses in case I fell in so I couldn't see too well. But it was still pretty. All the girls slept in one big tent and there was another one we kept our stuff in which was a changing tent. The sleeping tent was like one big air mattress. I didn't even sleep on my pad. One girl told scary stories the first night so I got scared and slept with another girl on her mattress. Everyone was in that spot. It is hard to explain, but where I ended up sleeping was closer to everyone than where I almost slept. I slept there all three nights with no problem. The girl I slept with never complained so it all worked out. With the meals we each had jobs. The camp gave us the food for $7 per meal per girl. There were different jobs. Going and getting the food, cooking, and cleaning. It was fun. I cooked the french toast once. I cooked it outside on some specail camping skillet. It was all fun. One night Katie (a lady from the stake) came with her guitar and we all sang around the fire. It was fun. We also roasted starbursts. They get soft and cruchy on the outside. We also went snipe hunting. This part was wierd. Snipes are not real, but everyone made us think they are. They said they were rodents with bright red eyes. We had to wear long socks over our pants to keep them from crawling up them. We brought pillowcases to catch them with. Everyone tried to catch some and the older girls rolled up socks and pretended they were snipes when they caught them. We did it at night so you couldn't tell they were socks. At the end the oldest girl told us they were not real and explained everything. They do that every year. They told me they weren't real before we went because I get scared easily. I would have to say the best part about it all was how I got to know everyone and made friends. We all became like sisters and had a great time.

After Girls Camp my sisters and I went with our dad to visit Diane. We got there Friday and left yesterday. It was fun. For the fourth of July we went to her sisters house and we met our soon to be cousins, aunts, grandparents, and stuff. There was a waterslide and when the boys went down it and did cool tricks but messed up most of the time I laughed so hard. While we were there I didn't even feel sick. Laughter truly is the best medicine. We got to sleep in our new rooms. The boys only moved out their beds so they were still decorated as sports rooms, but they were cool. Now the boys sleep downstairs. On Sunday I was too sick to go to church so I stayed home and slept. Diane has a friend that works for a company that sells cricuts. So for the wedding present she gave us a cricut and three cartridges. I made a family night wheel with it. It is so cool! I was planning to save up for one but now I don't have to.

Now I am at Grandma Leslie's house and not having too much of a fun time. I am sick with a cold. Symptoms are stuffy/runny nose, cough, swollen eyes, and fatigue. So I can't take care of Gracie. Anna won't help. I ask her to help Gracie because I am sick and she says, "So?" Grandma is sick so she can't babysit and Grandpa is so deaf he can't do much either. Jessie and Naomi (they moved into the yellow house a couple weeks ago) were here. Then Jessie said they needed to go HOME. When she said "home" I almost cried. They live in the three Leslie family houses in a row so they are now part of the family. They live in my house. Two four year olds get my room, and the kitchen looks like a barn. It had chickens and even has a glass pig in there. It is like the beginning of the divorce all over again. Finally after Gracie got upset I called mom and started crying. So she called a friend and had her come pick up Gracie. So, that has been my past week. If you have gotten this far thank you for listening. I love you all.


  1. Great post. I forgot that you were going to get to go to girls camp! That is so exciting! We also went snipe hunting- they do that to all the first year girls. I'm glad she told you ahead of time what it was though so you wouldn't get scared. I'm so glad you had such a good time! You aren't a little girl anymore! I'm so sorry that those people live in your old house. That would be torture to go next door, adn see people live there, and hear them say "my home" about your home. It would be hard, and it would feel like the divorce all over again. You are handling everything so well. It's ok to cry, and be sad, sometimes we need to let it out because then we feel better afterwards. I'm glad you called your mom. Maybe you shouldn't go over there, it might be too depressing. That is, the yellow house. I'm sorry you have a yucky cold. that's a huge bummer. I love you!

  2. Man- I'm so sorry Aliese...that sounds really hard having to deal with people moving into the yellow house. Stay strong! You're doing great.

    Sounds like girls camp was a blast! I'm so glad you had a good time and made friends.

    Sorry you're so sick! Get rest and feel better! Love you!!!

  3. Wow, that would be really hard seeing someone else live in your house. I'm sorry. It will get easier. Some things just need time to heal. I'm glad you loved Girls Camp. I LOVED girls camp. It sounds like you made some good friends. I'm glad you posted. It's nice to hear what's going on in your life. Love you.

  4. I am glad you posted about girls camp, and it sounds like you had an awesome time. I think you are growing up and becoming a young woman. snipe hunting is and old old trick, and it is funny, I am glad they told you about it so you wouldn't be afraid. I know it would be so hard to see someone else living in your former house. Time will make it better I promise and things do work out for the better sometimes. I know it is hard to believe that now, but it will. Pray for the skills to cope with this trial and Heavenly Father will answer, and pray for an understanding heart. I am glad you learned to make the french toast. I am so sorry you have a bad cold, that is a real bummer. Do you want me to send you some simple recipes? You can e-mail me at artsy-gal@hotmail.com. I love you so very much

  5. Wow. What a great post. I loved hearing all about girls camp, your experiences, snipe hunting (we've all been there before = ), making friends, etc. I am sooo glad you liked camp. I'm also so impressed. I had a hard time my first 2 years. I got super homesick and my Mom was even there with me!

    How cool that you got a Cricut!!! I am so jealous! Hey, but you're moving here so maybe you can teach me how to use it. Maybe I can buy cartridges for it in exchange for letting me use it with you...what do you think? I'm so glad that you love Diane and her family of boys.

    I am sorry about the yellow house. I can't imagine how hard that must be.

    Thanks for posting. Love you!!!
