Thursday, November 17, 2011

Meeting Maddie

We went to Amy's a while back and we met Maddie! Let me say, she is beyond words. Seriously. I was going to say she was cute, sweet or precious but those words aren't enough. She is those, amazing, beautiful, funny, perfect, pretty, heavenly, and more. We spent all day at Amy's and I got to hold her for a decent amount of time. She was asleep for most of it so I just held her and stared at her make her funny faces. When we had to leave I was surprised at how hard it was to leave her. It was hard to say good-bye to Amy, too. :) But it was amazing how attached I had become to this perfect little person with such a sweet spirit. I've heard that having a baby in a family really brings the family together. I can totally see why! I can imagine everyone taking turns holding the baby and cheering on her first time crawling and walking. I don't remember any of that with Gracie. I don't ever remember her being a baby. I can't wait for Mom to have a baby. And though I would be happy if it was a boy, I hope it's a girl. ;)


  1. I'm so glad you blogged. I miss you! I love what you said about Maddie. I had a hard time saying goodbye also. I wish my kids lived closer. I always thought Amy and Mike would always live in Oregon. But that didn't happen!I think the reason we love babies so much is because they are celestial, literally, and they have just come from our Heavenly Father. Plus I think the veil is still open to them, just my opinion. Love you!!!

  2. THANKYOU Alieise! I loved what you said about Maddie! And I agree! haha! I am so glad that she loved you guys so much. I assumed she wouldn't let others hold her, so I was so happy when she loved you guys so much! I couldn't beleive she even let Gracie hold her! SHe really loves you guys! I'm so glad you guys got to know her and will get to continue to get to knwo her! I LOVE YOU! THankyou for what you said, I will always treasure it.
