Last year I don't really know if I even had many goals. I think I tried to send cards or presents to everyone in the family on birthdays and it didn't work out so well. I didn't do all the birthdays and Mom got tired of me asking to be taken to the post office to send packages and ask for stamps. It's a lovely thought, but I think I will stick to emails and phone calls this year. So, this year I really want to do better. I read Danielle's blog about how she had the work ATTITUDE for last year and the word HEALTHY for this year. I thought that was really cool and so I'm going to copy her and choose a theme for this year (next year technically). Have you all heard or read the Good, Better, Best talk? I don't know who gave it or if I have even read or heard it, but Mom has talked about it. He talked about how there's the good things like, oh, I don't know really...maybe decorating and painting your nails and there's the better things like schoolwork and practicing talents like writing or drawing and then there's the best things like reading your scriptures, doing Personal Progress and praying. I don't know if I have that right. Maybe schoolwork should be in the best catagory, but the point is to do the best things first, then the better, then good. Maybe you won't get to decorate as much, but doing the best first is the best. Do you get it? So, I think I want to make that my theme for this year. GOOD, BETTER, BEST.
This year I want to:
-Do better with sugar. I'm not watching my weight or anything, but whether you need to loose weight or not, sugar is bad for you and I don't want to put as much of it in my body. I'm not eliminating it, but I think I want to cut out candy. (I mean after I eat the store of it from Christmas. I know that's not the best attitude or the best way to start the year, but I have given the junky candy to Anna and Gracie and only saved the best for myself.) I think for as much sugar as candy has in it, it's not worth it. Now, when I say candy I mean nerds and whoppers. If I get good candy like a Hershey bar or fancy candy from a candy store I'll eat it. Otherwise I want to stick to home made treats that are worth the sugar. I know that's not a really specific goal and it's kind of all over the place, but that's what I want to do.
-Try to cook more. We've been watching Avonlea and watching Felicity cook is inspiring. And Mom could make a pie all by herself at my age, so I want to do better. To start I want to make dinner once a month and maybe help Mom make something every once in a while. Tonight I made biscuits for dinner. :)
-Do more Personal Progress. In almost two years I have finished one value. Which means I did 7 or 8 experiences and 1 project. I think that's pretty pathetic, even if I am proud that I finally finished it. So, I don't know exactly how much I want to finish this year, but I want to always be working on something.
Overall, I want to do Good, Better, and Best. I really want to try my best to meet these goals and not just decide to not do them. I really want to do this. Happy New Years, everybody!
That's awesome! I love that talk. And you're spot on in your interpretation of it :) Those are good goals. All of them. I know you can do it! Love you!!!
ReplyDeleteI would love it if you started cooking more. Schoolwork would be in the better, not best category. Love you.
ReplyDeletegreat goals! I loved your sugar goal- haha. not wasting the sugar on crappy candy but the good kind- haha- sounds like a goal I could do! maddie needs me- sorry so short! l;ove you!
ReplyDeleteI loved that talk by Elder Oakes and you are right on in your interpetion of it, and those are wonderful goals. I think the sugar goal is a good one, and it is hard for me, as I sometimes make too many good treats, and there is just Poppi and I to eat them. I sometimes give away a lot of stuff. I think it is a great idea to help your mom more with preparing food. I loved it when your mom and Jen helped out with meals. I love you and Happy New year to you. I am going to make some tomorrow. hugs and kisses
ReplyDeleteFabulous blog!! I wish I had seen it sooner. I have been crazy busy trying to get caught up from Christmas. I love your sugar goal, it's like mine. It's tough but I'm working on it. I loooovvvee Elder Oaks talk and have used it many times. I wish I lived it all the time, but alas I am human! :-) I do try though. I think your goals are good and realistic! That is what makes a goal happen if it is realistic time wise, interest wise, and if you are capable. You have picked goals that meet that criteria. I love and miss you soooo much!