Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"No Playing Ball in the House!"

Today we had our second volleyball lesson at the park. We practiced passing, setting, under hand serving and over hand serving. It is pretty fun, but pretty tiring and a little over whelming. Sometimes the coach will come over and throw it to me and tell me to bump it or set it back to him. When I miss or hit it wrong I have to go get it and he says, "Hustle, Hustle, I'm not wasting time here." I felt pressured. Plus setting is my hardest. But we were a little better than when we started. He told us all to do each thing 20 times. Ridiculous. So, mom told us to only do 10 each. He said Gracie and Grace (there is another 5 year old girl named Grace) should just practice throwing the ball back and forth and up and down. Not very long ago Gracie was throwing the ball up and down and she asked if I would throw it back and forth with her. I said I would. So, naughtily we played ball in the house. When I stopped Gracie through a big fit and she is now in a box and is saying, "I am being punished for my life." It may sound funny, but it wasn't when she was hitting everyone. Good luck to me.


  1. ok I know you said it may sound funny, but it does! what gracie said is so funny! haha. what do you mean she was in a box? I have something for you- don't buy any vinyl :) I'm putting something in the mail tomorrow :) love you!

  2. I used to LOVE volleyball. If you keep at it, sports become addicting, in a good way. Your body will crave how hard it is and how it pushes you. Keep at it. = ) Excited to see you this weekend. Love you!

    Also, did i leave my birthday card from you at your house? I looked for it to re-read it and can't find it. I LOVED it.

  3. Well I have to admit I was laughing most of the way through your blog! I am so glad your mom signed you guys up for that class. It is good to have athletic experiences. Gracie, Gracie, what would we do without the Gracie stories. Life wouldn't be quite so entertaining. love and miss you!!!

  4. ha ha- i love this whole post. It's kinda hard for me to imagine you sprinting after a ball! I can imagine why the coach would say "hustle!" ahha. That's so cool though! Volleyball is so fun. I hope you keep at it! Gracie is so silly. I miss you girls. Love you so much!

  5. Setting was always the hardest for me too. I'm not very coordinated with all the ball sports. I get pretty overwhelmed too. The last time I played volleyball I accidentally rubbed off my eyelashes.

  6. I loved playing volley ball when I was young, and in fact it was my favorite sport. I played it even after I was married. I think it is funny that you and Gracie played in the house, what a crack-up that girl is. I don't know what would be so entertaining if we didn't have the stories about Gracie. You will look back when you are older with all of these fond memories of Gracie. I love thinking about the times I had with all my sisters when we were growing up. My youngest sister Shelia was a real card and a handful, she thought it was her job to make my life as hard as she could as I was the oldest and thought I was BOSS! ha ha! Oh well those days are gone, I thought they would never end. But they do and we all grow up and move on. Ahhh but it was a fun time. I love you so much and miss you. Hugs and kisses to you, and keep up the blog, you write such a great one.
