Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Holiday

Whew! We are back to California and we are done with all of that traveling for a while. I won't bother to bore you all with the schedule that we had over our break. I will just say the after I went to Grandma Leslie's house the first time we went back to Utah for Christmas and went back again. Then went back to Utah for three days, then came to California.

As far as Christmas Eve went, the exciting stuff started at 10 a.m. My instinct to that time is ,early, because I take a long time to get out of bed, eat and get ready. It's just me and everybody knows that. So, anyway, we went to the Orgill (Diane's family) family Christmas Eve party at an ice skating rank. We rented out the whole rank and a few party rooms close by. The rank was not that big. It was actually kinda small. At first the sister who set everything up wanted to have it there. Then it was closed, then it opened. So, when everyone said, "Yay! We're going there!" I said, "Oh no! We're going there!" I didn't want to skate! I was so scared. In the past I've skated once and it was a horrible experience all together because it was at a birthday party. So, I had no parents to help me and everyone knew how to skate except for me. But this time was totally different! I had a great time! Dad and Diane went around with me a couple times, barely moving. Then I went around by myself. At first I moved an inch at a time (not exaggerating). By the end I was moving pretty fast and I didn't want to leave! I had such a great time! The whole time all the cousins were joking around together and throwing ice shavings. One of the kids made a tiny snowman in the middle of the rank out of ice shavings. It was pretty funny. Also, the cousins all acted out the nativity. So, we had Samuel, angels (notice it's plural), people who attacked Samuel, wise men, shepherds and sheep! Plus Mary, Joseph and the baby doll who was Jesus. We rehearsed and put on our costumes. By the end all the little kids dropped out but two. So, there was one sheep and one little angel. I was an angel so I was able to hold her hand the whole time, luckily. Otherwise, I don't know if she would have stayed up. And guess why all the little kids dropped out? Because they wanted to go skating! I thought it was so funny cause they couldn't even really skate. By the end I was just smiling.

That night we made truffles that weren't really like truffles at all. They were oreo crumbs and cream cheese dipped in almond bark. When we were dipping them Caleb (the twelve year-old as of Dec. 23) and I got into a thing about what to call the almond bark. I kept calling it chocolate because it looked like white chocolate. Then he would say, "It's not chocolate, It's white... stuff." Then I would say, "You can't call anything you want to stuff." It was really funny. Later, when Caleb had left I almost said chocolate again and said white stuff instead. That made Diane bust out laughing. After that we opened one present each. The boys got slippers and we, of course, got pajamas. After that we had truffle or two and watched A Christmas Story. Then we all went and tried to go to sleep. It was a fun day.

On Christmas we opened presents (DUH). I got two necklaces, some fuzy socks, $82 total, a photo album, clothes, five new books, candy, a book light, a weekly calender, and a big Taylor Swift calender and CD that is mine, Anna's and Gracie's. I got a few more little things, but it would take too long to name them all. Thank you for the presents everybody!

New Years Eve we went to one of Diane's sisters house and played games and hung out till midnight when we turned on the TV and watched the big ball drop. After that we went to Diane's mom's house and stayed the night there because Diane's house was an hour away.

So, there is my holiday. I hope you all had a good one, too!


  1. Wow! Sounds busy but SUPER fun! I still am upset we didn't plan out a time for me to see you guys when you were in Idaho! Ughhhhhhhhhhhh oh well. Too late now obviously!!! Next time, we NEED to talk and plan a time. Even if it's just one afternoon for lunch or something :) I loved all your stories- I'm glad you got the hang of skating! I am always like that the first five or so minutes EVERY time I go skating...really really slow...then I speed up a bit...but it's all really slow progress!

    Love you so much!!! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blogs. They are always so uplifting!

  2. Loved the blog! I am so proud of you for continuing on trying to skate! It worked out for the best in the end. It's amazing how we can be so afraid and then we have a choice, be brave and in the end be so glad we did, or not try and always feel badly that we didn't. I'm glad you had a good time with everyone! The traveling sounded exhausting. I'm glad you liked your presents. It sounded like a great time. It must be nice to be home. I love and miss you!

  3. I'm glad you had a fun holiday- sounds busy! I'm glad your safe and home now, back to normal! When ever I go visit people it's always nice to be back in my own bed again :) skating- it is always so hard at first- even when you know how to do it, it still takes a few minutes to get the hang of it again. I'm proud of you for trying and doing so good! love you!

  4. Wow. It sounds like FUn!!! I'm so glad you're back and Can't WAIT to see you on Tuesday. WE're going to come to your house instead and then you'll come down for kates' bday. Love youyou!

  5. I love you so much and miss seeing you, as when you were small you guys lived here and I got to see you often. But things change and life becomes different, and we all move on. I used to see Ruby almost every day too when she was small and now she lives in Portland and I am lucky to see her a couple of times a year. Oh well where did all that come from???? I am happy you had a good Christmas. Sounds busy and a lot of traveling but sometimes it is good to be busy. I hate time passing so slow you can make icicles. I really enjoy reading your post, it always helps me to know what you all are doing, and that you are enjoying life. I like Amy love to go but I love to come home again so I can sleep in my own bed. Sounds like you had a great time with the families skateing and making un-truffles tee hee! Hugs and Kisses
