When I went to my Grandma Leslie's house my number one thing I wanted to do was replant some aloe vera plants that she had in one pot. We bought some pots and soil and the next day we got to it. Being too cold to do it outside we did it on the laundry room floor. We took the small plastic pot (the kind that you buy plants in) and tipped it upside down. All the many aloe vera plants tipped out onto the floor. We brought all of the pots inside and we had five big pots and five small pots. There were eight small plants and four big ones. We picked them each up one by one and cleaned it up. We tore off the dead leaves, shook out the dirt and set them aside neatly. We threw one baby one away that had grown in but having no room got so swashed it would not have survived anyway. We picked out each plant for each pot and in the end threw away the two wimpiest ones with the other one and put one of the biggest pots back in the garage because it just worked out better that way. Then starting with the little ones we put them in the pots. We were just a little short on dirt but we got enough in each pot to last them until Grandma buys more dirt. Then I brushed the dirt off the leaves and watered them. In the end there were nine aloe vera plants on the counter and three in the garbage. Looking at them it looked like a nursery. We figured if they took the biggest one to Arizona to plant, gave one to each of Grandma's daughters in law, gave one to my aunt Tara and kept one themselves they would have two left to give away. So when we came to Diane's house we brought one with us. It amazes me how they survived. Really! They were all in there together in a pot the same size as the pots that we put the small plants in. One was so red and the next day it looked better all ready. They all suffered from not enough room and not enough water. Hopefully she will water them more. But we took care of the room situation. It was so fun!
After I finished sweeping up the dirt mom called and I told her what we did. I also told her I was just as excited to do that as I was to go to Tangled for the second time (we went again in Idaho, It's a goodn'). She said that she thinks that I can have a garden in some pots when we get home now. She said that she honestly didn't think I would take care of them enough, but she knew I was now. I'm so excited. So, over all, I saved some lives and proved I'm responsible. :)
Being negative is not helping me be happy. Being grateful and optimistic is a much better alternative and blogging about the bright side of my day is a good start to changing my negativity to optimism.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Our Christmas Eve Party with Mom
Last night we had our first Christmas Eve party (our pretend Christmas with mom) with Lizzie and Steve. We had home made roll sandwiches with meat. Then we opened presents. The kids exchanged gifts. Lizzie and Mom did. Mom gave Steve a present and Shad didn't want a present, I guess. Then we acted out the nativity. I got a little frustrated in the middle because Kate was talking, but it was fun. Then we had carmel, fudge, egg nog and some cookie mom made while we watched Small One. It was all so fun. Elle was so adorable. She was looking around and gasping and clapping her hands and giggling. It made me think that it would be fun to be able to remember our first Christmas's. After Lizzie and Shad left we opened our presents from mom and the person who drew our name. I got and sweater from Gracie and...
Well, you all already know, but now I do, too! I got a cricut! I am so excited. I have a 12" by 6" cricut, the George and Basic Shapes cartridge, Paper Doll Dress Up cartridge and two different little pads of card stock. All mine! I am so excited! I can't wait to start using it. I'll have Diane teach me how when we go to my dad's. I have been wanting a cricut ever since I figured out what it really was. When Amy started talking about it I was like, "What? Cut paper? A lot of buttons?" But then she posted pictures and sent me cards she made using the cricut. Then I totally wanted one! Diane had a friend who sold cricuts so I thought Anna and I could combine our money and buy one that was on sale. Then Diane's friend gave her one for her wedding. I was way excited. So, I thought, "I don't need one now. I can use this." But then I thought, "But I won't have it at mom's house. It won't be my own." I finally decided that I wouldn't use my money to buy a cricut, but I still really wanted my own. Now I have my own and I didn't have to spend a cent. I can't believe it's mine! I can take it anywhere I want. When I go to college it goes, too (hopefully it will last that long)! Now I can make cards and paper dolls and vinyl lettering for the wall! I am so excited! Can you tell I'm excited? Before I got to open it, when we went to see our E.S., she came with us to our car and mom opened the trunk. With me in front mom showed her my present. The look on her face was like, "Will she like this?" Well, now everyone knows that I do! AAAAAAAAAAAAA! I do! I hope everyone else likes their Christmas presents as much as I do! Merry Christmas!
Well, you all already know, but now I do, too! I got a cricut! I am so excited. I have a 12" by 6" cricut, the George and Basic Shapes cartridge, Paper Doll Dress Up cartridge and two different little pads of card stock. All mine! I am so excited! I can't wait to start using it. I'll have Diane teach me how when we go to my dad's. I have been wanting a cricut ever since I figured out what it really was. When Amy started talking about it I was like, "What? Cut paper? A lot of buttons?" But then she posted pictures and sent me cards she made using the cricut. Then I totally wanted one! Diane had a friend who sold cricuts so I thought Anna and I could combine our money and buy one that was on sale. Then Diane's friend gave her one for her wedding. I was way excited. So, I thought, "I don't need one now. I can use this." But then I thought, "But I won't have it at mom's house. It won't be my own." I finally decided that I wouldn't use my money to buy a cricut, but I still really wanted my own. Now I have my own and I didn't have to spend a cent. I can't believe it's mine! I can take it anywhere I want. When I go to college it goes, too (hopefully it will last that long)! Now I can make cards and paper dolls and vinyl lettering for the wall! I am so excited! Can you tell I'm excited? Before I got to open it, when we went to see our E.S., she came with us to our car and mom opened the trunk. With me in front mom showed her my present. The look on her face was like, "Will she like this?" Well, now everyone knows that I do! AAAAAAAAAAAAA! I do! I hope everyone else likes their Christmas presents as much as I do! Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 6, 2010
All I want for Chistmas is... an E.S.?
So, I have looked back and realized that I hardly ever play or even dress up my American girl dolls. I still love the books, but I am getting too old for the dolls. I guess I have been too old for them for a while. I just haven't realized it. I always thought that is was because I don't have enough stuff to play with them or not enough room. When really, It would take an entire room of stuff for me to play with them for hours at a time. I don't mean to sound like they are horrible and a waste of time. I still love them and I am going to save them for my daughters or nieces or granddaughters (whatever works best). I just think that I shouldn't ask for AG doll stuff or buy AG doll stuff if I don't ever use them. Money could be spent on better stuff.* So I am going to pack up my dolls, dolls' clothes, doll hangers, Felicity's accessories and the bunk bed somewhere safe and save them. And give my cardboard table and closet to Anna and Gracie. I don't just want to give them away to DI or something like that. They would get ruined!
So, today we met with our new E.S. (education something? hence the blog post title haha). We joined a charter school. It is really cool. We meet every month with our E.S. and give her samples of our work and our requests for school supplies. They give us a certain amount of money that we can spend on school supplies (all I know is it is a lot). If it is consumable then it is ours, but if it is not then we have to give it back when we are finished. I hope that everything I just explained to you makes sense. So, in order to do this we might have to shorten our trip with dad a little or go there earlier. I need to come up with a present for mom. Any ideas around ten dollars. Mom, you cannot read the comments on this. I love you all!
* Grandma (or anybody) if you have already made or bought AG doll stuff for Christmas, I'm sorry. If you have I can save it to give with my dolls or you can give it to Anna or Gracie. But if you were just thinking about it then think about something else. Sorry if that sounds mean.
So, today we met with our new E.S. (education something? hence the blog post title haha). We joined a charter school. It is really cool. We meet every month with our E.S. and give her samples of our work and our requests for school supplies. They give us a certain amount of money that we can spend on school supplies (all I know is it is a lot). If it is consumable then it is ours, but if it is not then we have to give it back when we are finished. I hope that everything I just explained to you makes sense. So, in order to do this we might have to shorten our trip with dad a little or go there earlier. I need to come up with a present for mom. Any ideas around ten dollars. Mom, you cannot read the comments on this. I love you all!
* Grandma (or anybody) if you have already made or bought AG doll stuff for Christmas, I'm sorry. If you have I can save it to give with my dolls or you can give it to Anna or Gracie. But if you were just thinking about it then think about something else. Sorry if that sounds mean.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Dinosaurs Are Not Exctinct
We have found them multiple times in our apartment. On the kitchen floor, in the cups under the sink and any other small place. Every time we have found one the one first to see it shouts, "Earwig!" Mom says they are as big as dinosaurs and I'm afraid I have to agree with her. They're huge. And they creep me out. Because they are so big you can see the little details. Oh, a shiver goes up my spine just writing about it. Earlier today I made some hot chocolate in a foam cup from under the sink. When I was drinking it I felt something on my lip.... You guessed it. It was an earwig. I ran to the bathroom dumped the cup out and spit into the sink. I brushed my teeth and gargled the best I could. I am so thankful it did not get in my mouth. Think on that for a while, everyone.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Definition of Chaos
The definition of chaos (in my opinion) is...
Feeling annoyed and mad and sad at the same time. Being in a messy and uncontrolled inviorment. Not knowing where or how anything or anyone is, anymore. Chaos is something that you can feel or be in. It is usually felt when you try to do something that you simply aren't able to do. Or when you don't do something you should do.
Now, the definition of peace (in my opinion) is...
Feeling that everything is alright and better and best. Getting something done that you should have a long time ago. Having love and gratitude fill your whole body. Peace is a feeling that you feel when something bad is over or something bad turns out to be good.
Chaos is something that happens. Everyone goes through it. No one likes it. But it's those moments of pure chaos that open the door to pure peace. If there was no chaos there would be no peace. If there was no bad there would be no good. If Christmas was all year round it wouldn't be so special or grand. It's those not so good moments that bring the really good moments. So, as crazy as it sounds, be grateful for those not moments.
Feeling annoyed and mad and sad at the same time. Being in a messy and uncontrolled inviorment. Not knowing where or how anything or anyone is, anymore. Chaos is something that you can feel or be in. It is usually felt when you try to do something that you simply aren't able to do. Or when you don't do something you should do.
Now, the definition of peace (in my opinion) is...
Feeling that everything is alright and better and best. Getting something done that you should have a long time ago. Having love and gratitude fill your whole body. Peace is a feeling that you feel when something bad is over or something bad turns out to be good.
Chaos is something that happens. Everyone goes through it. No one likes it. But it's those moments of pure chaos that open the door to pure peace. If there was no chaos there would be no peace. If there was no bad there would be no good. If Christmas was all year round it wouldn't be so special or grand. It's those not so good moments that bring the really good moments. So, as crazy as it sounds, be grateful for those not moments.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Life at Lizzie's
I came to Lizzie's house on Saturday in the afternoon and have been in paradise ever since. I love it here. Lizzie thanks me for coming every night right after she asks me if I need anything. I get to hold Elle all that I want and I have gotten closer to Tanner and Kate. Kate actually answers me when I ask her questions and loves me just as much as she loves Anna.
Saturday I made the place cards for Thanksgiving dinner and watched a movie after the kids went to bed.
Sunday we went to church and I watched the kids while Lizzie and Shad took naps and helped the kids make a paper tablecloth for the kids table for Thanksgiving. We drew and wrote things that we were thankful for on it.
Yesterday we went to a fairy birthday party for Mila at a park and it was so cute. The girls dressed up as fairies and the boys dressed up as pirates. We ate pizza then the kids went on a treasure hunt around the playground. The treasure was peanut butter cups, rollos (my favorite), chocolate coins and ring pops. The candy (or treasure) was divided into personalized bags then the kids got to paint little fairy houses (bird houses) while on and off some girls face painted things on their cheeks. After that they opened presents, then we left. Through out the whole thing Kate barely said a word and when she did talk it was to say that she was cold. Lizzie says that she is always hot even when everyone else it cold. We were all cold at the party so we didn't think anything was wrong, but we found out we were wrong when we met Shad at a restaurant for dinner later that day. The whole time Kate just laid her head on my lap and nibbled on some bread. Lizzie bought a rudolf book on her phone and it read to her. It was so sad. Lizzie kept saying over and over that if she had known she would be like this she would not have gone out to dinner with us. Tanner on the other hand was very hyper. He was crawling around under the table and getting up and looking around in salute. It was so funny. When we got back and the kids went to bed I organized a kitchen cupboard and wrote names on pieces of fabric to pin to the towels so everybody will know which towels are theirs.
Today I folded the napkins in the way I wanted (surprise), counted out everything we needed for Thanksgiving dinner and pinned the names to the towels. All day Tanner was complaining that he was bored and of course Lizzie could not do anything with him. So, I took him out to ride bikes and I wrote names on cups for the reunion. Now Lizzie is out running errands and I am watching the kids. Elle is asleep and Tanner and Kate are watching Scooby-do so I don't really need to do anything.
That is basically the trip so far. On and off I've played games with the kids and took care of Elle. I'm supposed to leave today, but I am not sure how this trip will end. Love you all and can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Saturday I made the place cards for Thanksgiving dinner and watched a movie after the kids went to bed.
Sunday we went to church and I watched the kids while Lizzie and Shad took naps and helped the kids make a paper tablecloth for the kids table for Thanksgiving. We drew and wrote things that we were thankful for on it.
Yesterday we went to a fairy birthday party for Mila at a park and it was so cute. The girls dressed up as fairies and the boys dressed up as pirates. We ate pizza then the kids went on a treasure hunt around the playground. The treasure was peanut butter cups, rollos (my favorite), chocolate coins and ring pops. The candy (or treasure) was divided into personalized bags then the kids got to paint little fairy houses (bird houses) while on and off some girls face painted things on their cheeks. After that they opened presents, then we left. Through out the whole thing Kate barely said a word and when she did talk it was to say that she was cold. Lizzie says that she is always hot even when everyone else it cold. We were all cold at the party so we didn't think anything was wrong, but we found out we were wrong when we met Shad at a restaurant for dinner later that day. The whole time Kate just laid her head on my lap and nibbled on some bread. Lizzie bought a rudolf book on her phone and it read to her. It was so sad. Lizzie kept saying over and over that if she had known she would be like this she would not have gone out to dinner with us. Tanner on the other hand was very hyper. He was crawling around under the table and getting up and looking around in salute. It was so funny. When we got back and the kids went to bed I organized a kitchen cupboard and wrote names on pieces of fabric to pin to the towels so everybody will know which towels are theirs.
Today I folded the napkins in the way I wanted (surprise), counted out everything we needed for Thanksgiving dinner and pinned the names to the towels. All day Tanner was complaining that he was bored and of course Lizzie could not do anything with him. So, I took him out to ride bikes and I wrote names on cups for the reunion. Now Lizzie is out running errands and I am watching the kids. Elle is asleep and Tanner and Kate are watching Scooby-do so I don't really need to do anything.
That is basically the trip so far. On and off I've played games with the kids and took care of Elle. I'm supposed to leave today, but I am not sure how this trip will end. Love you all and can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Monday, November 15, 2010
So, first I must write of the most amazing thing that is happening this week. HARRY POTTER SEVEN! It is coming out in theaters this Friday. Mom is seeing it on Saturday because she thinks it will be too busy on Friday. Then I will be gone at Lizzie's from Saturday to Tuesday. I don't think we can fit it imbetween then and the reunion. So, I won't see it till after. Just a warning. No one can tell about it at the reunion if you see it before. I don't want to know about how scary it is or about added scenes or cut out scenes. Zip!
On Friday I am having an 'Opening the Holidays Movie Night' party. I am so excited. And mom is so proud of me for wanting to have it. I don't know how to download the invite on here like Lizzie does but I can write what is on it.
You're Invited...
What: Opening the Holidays Movie Night
When: Friday November 19, 2010 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
(We will bring you home)
Where: 1400 Barton Rd. Apt. 915
~Please bring your favorite movie to be voted on.
(No PG-13 movies please)
~Dinner and refreshments will be served.
R.S.V.P.- 208-390-0105 or 208-705-8087
It was centered and in a cool font, but I can't center it or change the font on here. I can't even bold it. Just imagine it centered and decorated with a different font. Mom is going to get pizza for dinner. It's easy and everyone loves pizza. We are going to have popcorn in white paper bags that I decorated to look like popcorn bags. And cupcakes that look like popcorn* while we watch the movies. I figured we could watch a half hour Christmas movie like frosty the snowman or something to demonstrate the 'Opening the Holidays' part. And then vote out of what everyone brought to watch next. I'm inviting the four beehives from church. I'm so excited. I really need to send off the invites, though. I'll get on that. I love you all and can't wait to see you next week.
*So, in case anyone was wondering how to make cupcakes look like popcorn, this is how. You need mini cupcakes, frosting and yellow and white mini marshmallows. For a popcorn kernel you just take two marshmallows of the same color nand cut one in three crosswise. Then you gently flatten each one with your finger and arrange in a leaf clover way. Then you put the other marshmallow in the middle with frosting. If you put 6 or 7 of these on a mini cupcake it looks like popcorn.
On Friday I am having an 'Opening the Holidays Movie Night' party. I am so excited. And mom is so proud of me for wanting to have it. I don't know how to download the invite on here like Lizzie does but I can write what is on it.
You're Invited...
What: Opening the Holidays Movie Night
When: Friday November 19, 2010 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
(We will bring you home)
Where: 1400 Barton Rd. Apt. 915
~Please bring your favorite movie to be voted on.
(No PG-13 movies please)
~Dinner and refreshments will be served.
R.S.V.P.- 208-390-0105 or 208-705-8087
It was centered and in a cool font, but I can't center it or change the font on here. I can't even bold it. Just imagine it centered and decorated with a different font. Mom is going to get pizza for dinner. It's easy and everyone loves pizza. We are going to have popcorn in white paper bags that I decorated to look like popcorn bags. And cupcakes that look like popcorn* while we watch the movies. I figured we could watch a half hour Christmas movie like frosty the snowman or something to demonstrate the 'Opening the Holidays' part. And then vote out of what everyone brought to watch next. I'm inviting the four beehives from church. I'm so excited. I really need to send off the invites, though. I'll get on that. I love you all and can't wait to see you next week.
*So, in case anyone was wondering how to make cupcakes look like popcorn, this is how. You need mini cupcakes, frosting and yellow and white mini marshmallows. For a popcorn kernel you just take two marshmallows of the same color nand cut one in three crosswise. Then you gently flatten each one with your finger and arrange in a leaf clover way. Then you put the other marshmallow in the middle with frosting. If you put 6 or 7 of these on a mini cupcake it looks like popcorn.
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Last Week
Okay, so it has been a long time since I've blogged or emailed or done anything on the internet at all! I need to catch up. I need to post on my blog, answer emails and post on Sign It Weekly. Don't worry, I'll get better. Everything has just been so busy and I have been thinking about posting, but not having the time. So I was neglecting to do it when I got a complaint. We were all at Lizzie's house and having a good time when the phone rang. I was sitting at the computer writing something for Young Women in Excellence that night and Kate was standing right by me and the phone by the computer. The phone was ringing, no one was answering yet so Kate picked it up and tried to hand it to me. I reluctantly took it and just held it. I didn't want to answer their phone. Luckily Lizzie went to pick up a different phone. She looked at me and asked, "Did you already get it?" Almost in a why-would-you-do-that voice. I answered, "Kate did." And Lizzie got an understanding look on her face and answered the phone (yes it was still ringing). I hung up the one Kate answered and continued to write. Then Lizzie came over and handed me the phone. "It's Amy," she said when she saw the look on my face. I answered saying, "Hi!" (I think)
"Hi!" said Amy, "Did you read my comment on your blog saying you need to post?"
Amy sighed.
"Well you need to post!"
And then we went into a long conversation that only Amy and I know about and that I won't go into. So, that is why I am posting right now. Be grateful to Amy.
We were at Lizzie's house from about 10:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. We left with lots of yummy food. We originally went there so mom and Lizzie could cook. By the end they both wanted to take naps. Even ask them! That night we all went to Young Women in Excellence (mom was playing prelude and all the babysitters were there so Anna and Gracie came, too). We got there half and hour early so I could set up my sewing display and mom could play prelude. If we could we were supposed to bring some project we work on to display. I brought my not-yet-finished quilt, a skirt and bag. I also brought a paper describing the why and whens of my sewing. Lot's of people came up to me and said that we needed to get together to sew sometime. They said they have wanted to make certain projects but haven't. One or two were leaders! The theme was "There's No Place Like Home." The leaders did a skit like the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy was twelve and in her dream in the land of Oz the yellow brick road was the path of personal progress. The scarecrow, lioness and tin "woman" (The leaders were woman) were her beehive, Mia-made and Lorel leaders. They had props and costumes and everything. They even taped yellow paper bricks to the floor for the yellow brick road! I loved it. They are such great leaders.
Yesterday we planned to go to Disneyland with the Mechams from Firth. But apparently they traveled here with Des's dad. They went to Disneyland all week (this week has been HOT) and they were all worn out. On Wednesday night Des's dad announced they were leaving on Thursday. So, we went with Lizzie instead. It was fun. We brought lunches and treats instead of buying them. Mom says we are doing that from now on for field trips. Mom is buying "One Yard Wonders" and it had a lunchbox in it. She says she can buy it if I do most of the sewing. After I finish my quilt of course.
I have more to write but I don't have the time to do it. After school I can write more. I love you all!
"Hi!" said Amy, "Did you read my comment on your blog saying you need to post?"
Amy sighed.
"Well you need to post!"
And then we went into a long conversation that only Amy and I know about and that I won't go into. So, that is why I am posting right now. Be grateful to Amy.
We were at Lizzie's house from about 10:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. We left with lots of yummy food. We originally went there so mom and Lizzie could cook. By the end they both wanted to take naps. Even ask them! That night we all went to Young Women in Excellence (mom was playing prelude and all the babysitters were there so Anna and Gracie came, too). We got there half and hour early so I could set up my sewing display and mom could play prelude. If we could we were supposed to bring some project we work on to display. I brought my not-yet-finished quilt, a skirt and bag. I also brought a paper describing the why and whens of my sewing. Lot's of people came up to me and said that we needed to get together to sew sometime. They said they have wanted to make certain projects but haven't. One or two were leaders! The theme was "There's No Place Like Home." The leaders did a skit like the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy was twelve and in her dream in the land of Oz the yellow brick road was the path of personal progress. The scarecrow, lioness and tin "woman" (The leaders were woman) were her beehive, Mia-made and Lorel leaders. They had props and costumes and everything. They even taped yellow paper bricks to the floor for the yellow brick road! I loved it. They are such great leaders.
Yesterday we planned to go to Disneyland with the Mechams from Firth. But apparently they traveled here with Des's dad. They went to Disneyland all week (this week has been HOT) and they were all worn out. On Wednesday night Des's dad announced they were leaving on Thursday. So, we went with Lizzie instead. It was fun. We brought lunches and treats instead of buying them. Mom says we are doing that from now on for field trips. Mom is buying "One Yard Wonders" and it had a lunchbox in it. She says she can buy it if I do most of the sewing. After I finish my quilt of course.
I have more to write but I don't have the time to do it. After school I can write more. I love you all!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A Story of a Homeless Person's Clothes
So, Anna and Gracie do not take care of their clothes. They have been throwing them on the floor so we have a carpet of clothing (which causes sore toes). So, finally yesterday mom said, "Today is 'going through the clothes day.'" So we washed all of the dirty clothes and folded all of the clean clothes. Mom said they can each have 7 summer outfits, 2 winter outfits, 3 church outfits and 2 pairs of pj's. Anna did not take it well. She sat on the couch and cried and cried and said, "That is as many clothes as a homeless person has!" She was a mess. Mom decided that instead of giving the clothes to DI we would just bring them to dad's. That way they would not have to pack when we go there. We would throw one clothing after another to mom and she would hold it up and say, "Dad's or California?" So we piled clothes all over the room, on the couch, in a suitcase and on the piano bench. Dad came over to see us after we had finished and mom asked if he would except all the clothes. He said that this exercise was excellent and that he would only permit 10 outfits, 2 pairs of pj's and 2 church outfits. Anna really hated this. She repeated the temper tantrum on the floor and cried and cried. So, today we are going through the process again to see what to take to dad's. There is the story of the homeless person's clothes.
Friday, August 6, 2010
I am a published Author!
As you all know I have always liked writing. When we went to Oregon last summer I started a fantasy story. Mom said I worked on it for hours at a time. When we got home progress slowed. Without the inspiration of the ocean I did not work on it as much. Finally one day in September I worked on it for hours and whenever anyone came up to me I said without looking at them, "Leave me alone. I am on a role." Finally I finished it. I called it "Love is Truth."I handed it around and soon it got to my dad. He kept it for over a month and once in a while he would call me and ask me questions like, "This part when you said, blah blah blah... what did you mean by that?" Soon it was February and it was my birthday. Dad took me out to lunch on his lunch break and gave me a present. I opened it and saw three published copies of "Love is Truth." I gaped at it and the only sound I made was a line of repeated gasps. My dad had published them on lulu.com. It had a picture of me on it and everything. I loved it.
Now the only people who have read it are, mom, dad, Danielle, Diane (dad's fiance) one of my mom's friends, my bishop, and our visiting teacher. And there are a whole lot more of you than that. Soooooo, we have set it up so people can buy them. All you have to do is go to lulu.com and search "Love is Truth" and it will come up. Then on the side there will be a button that says "Buy It" or something like that. I am not saying you HAVE to buy it, but if you are anxious to read it and can't wait until we see each other next than you can. This is optional. Buuuuuuut... if you buy it while you are reading it you can say to yourself, "I know the author of this book." How often do you get to do that? Cool huh?
And my dad videoed me singing "You Belong With Me." We just have to figure out how to put it on here. Love you all!
Now the only people who have read it are, mom, dad, Danielle, Diane (dad's fiance) one of my mom's friends, my bishop, and our visiting teacher. And there are a whole lot more of you than that. Soooooo, we have set it up so people can buy them. All you have to do is go to lulu.com and search "Love is Truth" and it will come up. Then on the side there will be a button that says "Buy It" or something like that. I am not saying you HAVE to buy it, but if you are anxious to read it and can't wait until we see each other next than you can. This is optional. Buuuuuuut... if you buy it while you are reading it you can say to yourself, "I know the author of this book." How often do you get to do that? Cool huh?
And my dad videoed me singing "You Belong With Me." We just have to figure out how to put it on here. Love you all!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Oh, the drama and the trama for Kate Leslie
Kate is a wonderful little girl. In mom's opinion with an adorable nose. She is very unlike the rest of her family. She loves us and we love her. That is why when the accident happened we all gasped. It was at the cabin when we were all there for the family reunion. We were on our way there. Dad had to work so we got there after everyone else. All this information I got from someone else.
Kate, Austin, Sayer and Cooper were out riding bikes far from the house. With Austin and Cooper in the lead Kate coasted down the hill and tried to catch up. To her disadvantage the bike she had borrowed went out of control. She tried to turn as she went up another hill, but the bike tipped over. Now ahead of everyone she rolled down the next hill holding onto the bike for dear life. As the road levels she skids and crashes. Austin and Cooper being a bikes length behind her rushed to her side and helped her stand up. Blood gushed from Kate's nose and went all over her white shirt. Just then the rest of the bike crew rode up. Everyone gasped at the sad sight.Being careful not to tip her head back Austin picked up the sobbing girl and held her close. Luckily at that moment Nicole and her friend rode up in the car. Pulling over and getting out immediately. Seeing the mess of blood Nicole retrieved a towel and held it up to Kate's nose. Austin still holding her got in the car followed by everyone else. Once arrived at the cabin Kate was cleaned up and changed. Now more comfortable Kate stopped crying. Trying to get a hold of my dad Brandt eventually gave up and took Kate along with her mother, Bridget and Meg to the hospital back home.
So, there is the story. I may have added a thing or two, or most of it but no one would tell me much. Anyway what the doctor said was that Kate had indeed broken her nose. She came back the next day but left that night. Her forehead had some scabs, her left eye was so purple it looked like make up and her nose was swollen. She however was very brave. After everyone left the cabin Kate came to our house now with two black eyes on Monday. On Tuesday she was checked by a specialist and made an appointment for surgery. If they didn't it would heal wrong and look weird. This is when mom said, "Oh, I am so glad she will have that adorable nose forever." Kate got surgery yesterday morning and everything went as planned. She will have to wear a nose cast for two more weeks but will soon be as good as new. They also took her tonsils out and the poor thing has to breath through her mouth which dries out her throat even more. We went to visit her yesterday afternoon and brought her a cool coloring book, crayons, a stuffed animal and a get well balloon. We also gave her a card that we all signed. She will be just fine and just as loving as ever.
Kate, Austin, Sayer and Cooper were out riding bikes far from the house. With Austin and Cooper in the lead Kate coasted down the hill and tried to catch up. To her disadvantage the bike she had borrowed went out of control. She tried to turn as she went up another hill, but the bike tipped over. Now ahead of everyone she rolled down the next hill holding onto the bike for dear life. As the road levels she skids and crashes. Austin and Cooper being a bikes length behind her rushed to her side and helped her stand up. Blood gushed from Kate's nose and went all over her white shirt. Just then the rest of the bike crew rode up. Everyone gasped at the sad sight.Being careful not to tip her head back Austin picked up the sobbing girl and held her close. Luckily at that moment Nicole and her friend rode up in the car. Pulling over and getting out immediately. Seeing the mess of blood Nicole retrieved a towel and held it up to Kate's nose. Austin still holding her got in the car followed by everyone else. Once arrived at the cabin Kate was cleaned up and changed. Now more comfortable Kate stopped crying. Trying to get a hold of my dad Brandt eventually gave up and took Kate along with her mother, Bridget and Meg to the hospital back home.
So, there is the story. I may have added a thing or two, or most of it but no one would tell me much. Anyway what the doctor said was that Kate had indeed broken her nose. She came back the next day but left that night. Her forehead had some scabs, her left eye was so purple it looked like make up and her nose was swollen. She however was very brave. After everyone left the cabin Kate came to our house now with two black eyes on Monday. On Tuesday she was checked by a specialist and made an appointment for surgery. If they didn't it would heal wrong and look weird. This is when mom said, "Oh, I am so glad she will have that adorable nose forever." Kate got surgery yesterday morning and everything went as planned. She will have to wear a nose cast for two more weeks but will soon be as good as new. They also took her tonsils out and the poor thing has to breath through her mouth which dries out her throat even more. We went to visit her yesterday afternoon and brought her a cool coloring book, crayons, a stuffed animal and a get well balloon. We also gave her a card that we all signed. She will be just fine and just as loving as ever.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Taylor Swift
I love her! I love her songs and I know a some of her songs by heart. I know You Belong With Me and Love Story. I have an idea! I can make a video of me singing one of them. When you comment vote for either You Belong With Me which is about a girl who is in love with her best friend but he is dating someone else who is mean. She think "He belongs with her." Or vote for Love Story which is a love song that is sorta like Romeo and Juliet. I love both of them. Diane likes me singing Love Story best. Maybe I can get the karaoke version so we have the music. This is going to be cool. Once on Valentines day we were listening to Taylor Swift and I said, "She is so good at writing songs." Mom didn't believe she writes them. She said, "It is rare for a singer to write her own songs." When I wouldn't give in she went to google it. And found out I was right! She writes all her songs. I love them all. There is one she wrote for her mom that is called "The Best Day." The chorus changes every verse a little bit. When there are capital that means to hold. I think I did it right. This is how it goes the first time:
i dOn't knoW whY all the trees change in the fAll
i knoW your not scAred of anything at All
Don't know if snoW whIte's house is near or far awAY
but i know... i hAd the best dAy with yOU today
I really like it. In the music video it has a whole bunch of old home videos from when she was little. It is really cute. I gotta go now. Don't forget to vote about which song you want me to sing!
i dOn't knoW whY all the trees change in the fAll
i knoW your not scAred of anything at All
Don't know if snoW whIte's house is near or far awAY
but i know... i hAd the best dAy with yOU today
I really like it. In the music video it has a whole bunch of old home videos from when she was little. It is really cute. I gotta go now. Don't forget to vote about which song you want me to sing!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I know!
I know! Ever since I have been able to change the blog by myself I have changed it a lot. But let's face it. That old one was a little boring. I went to change it and a whole bunch of new templates came up. I really liked this one! I hope you guys like it and don't get tired of me changing it all the time!
We are moving to California! Woa! I know, right! Crazy! I wasn't too surprised, though. I had heard mom on the phone with Lizzie. They never really said anything. I don't know how I figured it out. But I did. Really the only thing I am going to miss is my friends. Especially Kelsi. She is so nice and fun. We both love American girl dolls and she respects me. I was at her house and she got on to youtube to show me some videos and I said, "Kelsi, I am not allowed on and-" Anyway, I told her to get off and she did. She apologized and got off.
I have to get off. I love you all!
We are moving to California! Woa! I know, right! Crazy! I wasn't too surprised, though. I had heard mom on the phone with Lizzie. They never really said anything. I don't know how I figured it out. But I did. Really the only thing I am going to miss is my friends. Especially Kelsi. She is so nice and fun. We both love American girl dolls and she respects me. I was at her house and she got on to youtube to show me some videos and I said, "Kelsi, I am not allowed on and-" Anyway, I told her to get off and she did. She apologized and got off.
I have to get off. I love you all!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Past Week
The past week has been eventful. It all started last Tuesday when I went to Girls Camp. You guys were all right. It was great and I loved it. My favorite part had to be the floating trip. We went down a river in conoes! I knelt on the floor in the middle of the conoe and paddled. But I was with two leaders a lot stronger than me so I didn't make much of a difference. It was so fun and peaceful. I didn't wear my glasses in case I fell in so I couldn't see too well. But it was still pretty. All the girls slept in one big tent and there was another one we kept our stuff in which was a changing tent. The sleeping tent was like one big air mattress. I didn't even sleep on my pad. One girl told scary stories the first night so I got scared and slept with another girl on her mattress. Everyone was in that spot. It is hard to explain, but where I ended up sleeping was closer to everyone than where I almost slept. I slept there all three nights with no problem. The girl I slept with never complained so it all worked out. With the meals we each had jobs. The camp gave us the food for $7 per meal per girl. There were different jobs. Going and getting the food, cooking, and cleaning. It was fun. I cooked the french toast once. I cooked it outside on some specail camping skillet. It was all fun. One night Katie (a lady from the stake) came with her guitar and we all sang around the fire. It was fun. We also roasted starbursts. They get soft and cruchy on the outside. We also went snipe hunting. This part was wierd. Snipes are not real, but everyone made us think they are. They said they were rodents with bright red eyes. We had to wear long socks over our pants to keep them from crawling up them. We brought pillowcases to catch them with. Everyone tried to catch some and the older girls rolled up socks and pretended they were snipes when they caught them. We did it at night so you couldn't tell they were socks. At the end the oldest girl told us they were not real and explained everything. They do that every year. They told me they weren't real before we went because I get scared easily. I would have to say the best part about it all was how I got to know everyone and made friends. We all became like sisters and had a great time.
After Girls Camp my sisters and I went with our dad to visit Diane. We got there Friday and left yesterday. It was fun. For the fourth of July we went to her sisters house and we met our soon to be cousins, aunts, grandparents, and stuff. There was a waterslide and when the boys went down it and did cool tricks but messed up most of the time I laughed so hard. While we were there I didn't even feel sick. Laughter truly is the best medicine. We got to sleep in our new rooms. The boys only moved out their beds so they were still decorated as sports rooms, but they were cool. Now the boys sleep downstairs. On Sunday I was too sick to go to church so I stayed home and slept. Diane has a friend that works for a company that sells cricuts. So for the wedding present she gave us a cricut and three cartridges. I made a family night wheel with it. It is so cool! I was planning to save up for one but now I don't have to.
Now I am at Grandma Leslie's house and not having too much of a fun time. I am sick with a cold. Symptoms are stuffy/runny nose, cough, swollen eyes, and fatigue. So I can't take care of Gracie. Anna won't help. I ask her to help Gracie because I am sick and she says, "So?" Grandma is sick so she can't babysit and Grandpa is so deaf he can't do much either. Jessie and Naomi (they moved into the yellow house a couple weeks ago) were here. Then Jessie said they needed to go HOME. When she said "home" I almost cried. They live in the three Leslie family houses in a row so they are now part of the family. They live in my house. Two four year olds get my room, and the kitchen looks like a barn. It had chickens and even has a glass pig in there. It is like the beginning of the divorce all over again. Finally after Gracie got upset I called mom and started crying. So she called a friend and had her come pick up Gracie. So, that has been my past week. If you have gotten this far thank you for listening. I love you all.
After Girls Camp my sisters and I went with our dad to visit Diane. We got there Friday and left yesterday. It was fun. For the fourth of July we went to her sisters house and we met our soon to be cousins, aunts, grandparents, and stuff. There was a waterslide and when the boys went down it and did cool tricks but messed up most of the time I laughed so hard. While we were there I didn't even feel sick. Laughter truly is the best medicine. We got to sleep in our new rooms. The boys only moved out their beds so they were still decorated as sports rooms, but they were cool. Now the boys sleep downstairs. On Sunday I was too sick to go to church so I stayed home and slept. Diane has a friend that works for a company that sells cricuts. So for the wedding present she gave us a cricut and three cartridges. I made a family night wheel with it. It is so cool! I was planning to save up for one but now I don't have to.
Now I am at Grandma Leslie's house and not having too much of a fun time. I am sick with a cold. Symptoms are stuffy/runny nose, cough, swollen eyes, and fatigue. So I can't take care of Gracie. Anna won't help. I ask her to help Gracie because I am sick and she says, "So?" Grandma is sick so she can't babysit and Grandpa is so deaf he can't do much either. Jessie and Naomi (they moved into the yellow house a couple weeks ago) were here. Then Jessie said they needed to go HOME. When she said "home" I almost cried. They live in the three Leslie family houses in a row so they are now part of the family. They live in my house. Two four year olds get my room, and the kitchen looks like a barn. It had chickens and even has a glass pig in there. It is like the beginning of the divorce all over again. Finally after Gracie got upset I called mom and started crying. So she called a friend and had her come pick up Gracie. So, that has been my past week. If you have gotten this far thank you for listening. I love you all.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I know I am the first on to say it but...
I am so tired of TV! I bet I am the first kid on earth to say that. I get up and Anna or Gracie has already put on a movie or Little House. So, I sit down and watch it with them. During the movie I get starving and try to ignore it. When the movie is over I get up and get toast. Today I microwaved the french toast sticks mom bought yesterday. Then we put on another movie while we eat our breakfast. If we watched a movie first then we watch Little House the rest of the time. About when we are almost done with the first Little House mom gets home from the gym and joins in the watching. TV is such a waste of time. It makes you feel sick and makes the world seem even more boring then it was before you turned it on. Not to mention make you feel useless and ugly. Everyone on TV looks so beautiful because of the makeup and everything. We all know that but still feel ugly because they look so pretty. And the show obviously has to be exciting so they write an exciting funny story that never gets boring. It makes life feels so boring. There are no storms or weddings or ball games or thieves in town so everyone stays in the one place that is being robbed to catch them! The people of Walnut Grove are always together and they are never bored. They don't have electricity so they don't laze around like we do. They get up and do something. I remember when mom used to have all day cook days we would watch TV all day long. At the end of the day I remember the worst headaches.
There are things I have gotten tired of that I thought I could never get tired of. TV and restaurants. When we lived in Ammon we did not have a dishwasher so mom took us out to eat a lot. I got so tired of it. Now she just buys us frozen food from Sam's for dinner. I feel so bad for when mom cooked all those homemade meals and I wouldn't eat them because I didn't LIKE it. At least I HAD it. I know this is bad to say. Mom is a great mom and I don't know if I would do any better than she is if I were the mom, but I can't help it. I guess I will go out and read the scriptures now. They will help me feel better. I love you all! And Grandma if you are reading this you need to post pictures of those plants that are testing the microwave. Love you!
There are things I have gotten tired of that I thought I could never get tired of. TV and restaurants. When we lived in Ammon we did not have a dishwasher so mom took us out to eat a lot. I got so tired of it. Now she just buys us frozen food from Sam's for dinner. I feel so bad for when mom cooked all those homemade meals and I wouldn't eat them because I didn't LIKE it. At least I HAD it. I know this is bad to say. Mom is a great mom and I don't know if I would do any better than she is if I were the mom, but I can't help it. I guess I will go out and read the scriptures now. They will help me feel better. I love you all! And Grandma if you are reading this you need to post pictures of those plants that are testing the microwave. Love you!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Youth Conference
The 9th, 10th, and 11th I went to Youth Conference. It started Thursday evening when we went to do baptisms for the dead at the temple. Sadly I didn't really feel the spirit. Everyone was noisy and I was nervous. I did learn about what I need to do next time though. So, it was a good experience. After we went back to the church and got Youth Conference T-shirts. On the back it says "5th Ward Youth Conference 2010" and on the front there are a lot of different colored blocks that say "Be strong" on them in different languages. There is one that has it in English, too.
The next day we met at the church at 8:00 a.m. for a pancake breakfast. We all wore the T-shirts. We each (Beehives, Mia Maids, Lorels, Deacons, teachers) gave a presentatian. The beehives did one on friendship. We learned about media, dating, families, and more. We had lunch then cooked, and served a meal to the men at the Men's Homeless shelter in IF (Idaho Falls). It was fun. Then we went to the Visitors Center at the temple and saw a Joseph Smith movie. We had a testimony meeting and we all bore our testimonies, including me.
The next day we met at the church at 9:00 a.m. for a french toast breakfast. Then we had a "Fear Factor". It was gross. There was one where two blind folded people stood single file at a table. There was bread, jam, and peanut butter on the table. The person behind put their hands under the front person's arms and made a sandwich and fed it to the front person. It sounds okay but they crammed those sandwhiches in so fast.
There was one where they had to taste 14 jelly beans and guess what they are. There was vomit, bugars, marshmallow, dog food, skunk spray, baby wipes, pencil shavings, toothpaste, buttered popcorn, moldy cheese, centipede, and more that I can't remember. I am not kidding. They were gross.
Another when they had to bob for two plastic snakes out of a bucket of ice water.
Another where they rolled a dice to see what to put in their drink. There was clam juice, buttermilk and I think something like salsa.
There were others when they had to eat marshmallows and mustard, and a mint and sardines and more.
After that we went bowling. It was so fun. It was my first time.
I hope this is satisfying for everyone. I love you all.
The next day we met at the church at 8:00 a.m. for a pancake breakfast. We all wore the T-shirts. We each (Beehives, Mia Maids, Lorels, Deacons, teachers) gave a presentatian. The beehives did one on friendship. We learned about media, dating, families, and more. We had lunch then cooked, and served a meal to the men at the Men's Homeless shelter in IF (Idaho Falls). It was fun. Then we went to the Visitors Center at the temple and saw a Joseph Smith movie. We had a testimony meeting and we all bore our testimonies, including me.
The next day we met at the church at 9:00 a.m. for a french toast breakfast. Then we had a "Fear Factor". It was gross. There was one where two blind folded people stood single file at a table. There was bread, jam, and peanut butter on the table. The person behind put their hands under the front person's arms and made a sandwich and fed it to the front person. It sounds okay but they crammed those sandwhiches in so fast.
There was one where they had to taste 14 jelly beans and guess what they are. There was vomit, bugars, marshmallow, dog food, skunk spray, baby wipes, pencil shavings, toothpaste, buttered popcorn, moldy cheese, centipede, and more that I can't remember. I am not kidding. They were gross.
Another when they had to bob for two plastic snakes out of a bucket of ice water.
Another where they rolled a dice to see what to put in their drink. There was clam juice, buttermilk and I think something like salsa.
There were others when they had to eat marshmallows and mustard, and a mint and sardines and more.
After that we went bowling. It was so fun. It was my first time.
I hope this is satisfying for everyone. I love you all.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Lisel A. Slie
This is weird. I can't center my post and I can't change it. Anyway, I posted on Sign it Weekly and noticed it says my name, real name at the bottom of the post. So we went to change it and in order to do that my name has to be Lisel on both blogs. So when I post on here and it says "This post was posted by Lisel A. Slie at blah blah blah" it is still me. I am going to ask Danielle if she knows how to make it so it still says I am "Aliese the Writer" on this blog, but not on that one. I would write more, but I have to get ready for church and mom wants the computer so I have to go. I will probably post later. Love you all!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Big news!
Diane and my dad are getting married! I just had to blurt it out and it is not a joke. He just told us at dinner. They are getting married in August. We will move down there and Diane is going to decorate our rooms. She is so excited to have some girls in the house. She has four boys. I am so excited. Before the wedding Diane's sister is going to do our hair all fancy. They all ready bought the dresses and Diane says they are gorgeous. We just got off the phone with her. This is so sudden. Dad wouldn't tell us they were dating and all of a sudden they are getting married! I guess we all sorta new it would happen.
Dad said we have to move there because if they moved here they would have to leave everything. We have already moved so we wouldn't really be moving. They have school, church and friends there. And we aren't really moving. We live with mom most of the time so no matter what we will not have to move totally. I better go! I am so excited I can barely type. I am making so many mistakes!
Dad said we have to move there because if they moved here they would have to leave everything. We have already moved so we wouldn't really be moving. They have school, church and friends there. And we aren't really moving. We live with mom most of the time so no matter what we will not have to move totally. I better go! I am so excited I can barely type. I am making so many mistakes!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
So, you have all waited for the pictures and here they are. I absolutely love my new camera. I take so many pictures and then I delete half of them. This one mom took. We went to the bay front and got ice cream. We also went to see the seals, maybe later I can put the video I took of them on. They were so loud. I'm surprised we can still hear. They make enough noise to make someone deaf. We saw Grandma's friend Melissa on the job over the construction work. We told her to keep Saturday from 11 to 1 open. Later we made her an invitation for a tea party. It was so fun. Her name was Millicent and she was a street doctor. She took car of all the sick streets. Oh! My cursor is back. Yay! Anyway, the tea party was fun. 
Nonnie and Popi came over yesterday afternoon. They had dinner with us and we had fun. Then (since there aren't any more places for visiters to sleep) they left and slept at a nearby motel. Today we met at the aquarium and saw the new "Swamp" exibit. We saw a snake that is big enough to eat a deer. Yes, a deer. It was as wide as my head. And they think it might be pregnent. Than it would have the babies in the aquarium! We also saw huge turtles and some alligators. Well, mom is pressuring me to get off so I should go.
Oh! I have my new blog! signitweekly1.blogspot.com It is not invite only so you can just get on it. I even have a pen name. Go see it!
Nonnie and Popi came over yesterday afternoon. They had dinner with us and we had fun. Then (since there aren't any more places for visiters to sleep) they left and slept at a nearby motel. Today we met at the aquarium and saw the new "Swamp" exibit. We saw a snake that is big enough to eat a deer. Yes, a deer. It was as wide as my head. And they think it might be pregnent. Than it would have the babies in the aquarium! We also saw huge turtles and some alligators. Well, mom is pressuring me to get off so I should go.
Oh! I have my new blog! signitweekly1.blogspot.com It is not invite only so you can just get on it. I even have a pen name. Go see it!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
So far...
So, I am now at Lizzie's house. Lizzie, mom, and Amy just left for my mom's birthday meal out because we were at Disneyland yesterday. Shad is the babysitter because I can't watch Elle, who by the way is adorable. She is so sweet! I get to hold her a lot. She is the squirmiest baby I have ever seen. She is always squirming.
So far, we went to Disneyland on Wednesday for half a day. Amy went on and off about going with us or staying at Lizzie's. Finally after talking to grandma she decided to go. We were all great the first day. All ready to go to whatever we wanted to go on. Then the second day we went and had a full 8 to 9 day at the park. Then yesterday we were all tired and lazy. By dinner time Amy and I were so pooped we went home early and did not see the fireworks. Throughout the trip we went on all the Fantasyland rides, Pooh, Splash, Space, Buzz, and Soaring. We also went on the train that stops in Tomorrowland, New Orleans, Main Street, and Toon Town. It was fun. We don't know when we will go next week, but we know we will.
I am tired and my fingers are getting hot on the computer. I will post again later. Bye.
So far, we went to Disneyland on Wednesday for half a day. Amy went on and off about going with us or staying at Lizzie's. Finally after talking to grandma she decided to go. We were all great the first day. All ready to go to whatever we wanted to go on. Then the second day we went and had a full 8 to 9 day at the park. Then yesterday we were all tired and lazy. By dinner time Amy and I were so pooped we went home early and did not see the fireworks. Throughout the trip we went on all the Fantasyland rides, Pooh, Splash, Space, Buzz, and Soaring. We also went on the train that stops in Tomorrowland, New Orleans, Main Street, and Toon Town. It was fun. We don't know when we will go next week, but we know we will.
I am tired and my fingers are getting hot on the computer. I will post again later. Bye.
Friday, March 26, 2010
I'm back all ready!
Being a member of the church is so amazing. I don't know what people do when they move if they aren't members of the church. Today some people came from the ward to help out. Our electricity went out last night so today they came and put all our food in some coolers they brought. Then they left and came back at around 4. They (with my help) washed some loads of laundry. Since our dryer is still not working when they left they took it to dry at their house. They also completely cleaned and organized moms room. And they folded clothes and cleaned the kitchen. Right before they left they vacuumed. We still haven't made any friends st the apartments. One of the girls who came to help clean is almost my age. She turns 13 next month. She is nice. She hasn't read the Harry Potters and hasn't seen the 5th one. I told her she would have to come over some time and watch it. She's nice.
We are all good. I still have not gotten my new cord for my camera but my dad said he ordered one. I can't wait till you all see what I did. And you can see how well I take pictures. My camera is great. Christmas we went to see the lights that blink on and of according to one radio station and my camera took a good picture of it. You could really see the lights. Grandma was amazed at how well the picture looked.
Gracie's birthday. Yes. It is coming up soon. I know what I will get her I think, but I don't have it. You know how at Walmart there are these animal sets. With a couple horses or something like that. When we were at mom's friends house they collected horses. They had tons. Horses, saddles, blankets, food, stables. There was even a little thing you could fill up with water and then pump it up into a hose like a marshy place. And ever since she saw those she had wanted some of her own. I won't get her a lot, but I could get her a few. I think they each come with some food or a saddle. Anna made her a necklace and decorated a bobby pin with beads that match. I think Gracie will get some good presents and well wrapped too. I went through the wrapping stuff and we still have a lot of it even though we got rid of have of it when we moved. The move was hard at first. Mom hurt her back and all, but she is better. And box by box slowly we are getting unpacked.
We are all good. I still have not gotten my new cord for my camera but my dad said he ordered one. I can't wait till you all see what I did. And you can see how well I take pictures. My camera is great. Christmas we went to see the lights that blink on and of according to one radio station and my camera took a good picture of it. You could really see the lights. Grandma was amazed at how well the picture looked.
Gracie's birthday. Yes. It is coming up soon. I know what I will get her I think, but I don't have it. You know how at Walmart there are these animal sets. With a couple horses or something like that. When we were at mom's friends house they collected horses. They had tons. Horses, saddles, blankets, food, stables. There was even a little thing you could fill up with water and then pump it up into a hose like a marshy place. And ever since she saw those she had wanted some of her own. I won't get her a lot, but I could get her a few. I think they each come with some food or a saddle. Anna made her a necklace and decorated a bobby pin with beads that match. I think Gracie will get some good presents and well wrapped too. I went through the wrapping stuff and we still have a lot of it even though we got rid of have of it when we moved. The move was hard at first. Mom hurt her back and all, but she is better. And box by box slowly we are getting unpacked.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I wrote a post a while ago, but it would not post. So I tried to save it and it only saved the first line. Anyway, we are all moved in. Of course it is still a mess, but we will get there. Today mom is going back to the old house to finish cleaning. The landlord was nice enough to let her finish today. All the beds are set up except for the loft bed (a bunk bed without the bottom bunk). Because we don't have it. Mom promised us new stuff for our bedroom, and she hasn't ordered any of it yet. I guess I understand, but that means Anna will have to sleep on the couch.
Yesterday I went to my new ward. Gracie was sick and Anna went with Brandt and Sharlie. Again there is only one other girl my age there. She wasn't there but should be next week. There aren't very many Mia Maids or Beehives so they meet together. They call themselves the Mia Hives. It is kind of weird, but there weren't any Mia Maids there. If I wasn't there the beehive would have been all by herself. Like the other ward they need me.
Yesterday while I was at the apartment mom let me do some work. Even if it was Sunday. I got mine and Gracie's bed's made and unpacked most of my stuff. I also put the shelves in my sisters bookshelves so they can unpack some of their stuff when we get back from dad's. The back room is ours. It has the most stuff other then the main room. It is our bedroom, schoolroom, and toy room. Hopefully we will make it fit. Even though we got rid of a lot if stuff all ready mom wants to get rid of more when we unpack. I made a whole bunch of american girl stuff and plan to take pictures. I won't be able to post them because the cord won't fit into the camera. I will when I can. I love you all.
Yesterday I went to my new ward. Gracie was sick and Anna went with Brandt and Sharlie. Again there is only one other girl my age there. She wasn't there but should be next week. There aren't very many Mia Maids or Beehives so they meet together. They call themselves the Mia Hives. It is kind of weird, but there weren't any Mia Maids there. If I wasn't there the beehive would have been all by herself. Like the other ward they need me.
Yesterday while I was at the apartment mom let me do some work. Even if it was Sunday. I got mine and Gracie's bed's made and unpacked most of my stuff. I also put the shelves in my sisters bookshelves so they can unpack some of their stuff when we get back from dad's. The back room is ours. It has the most stuff other then the main room. It is our bedroom, schoolroom, and toy room. Hopefully we will make it fit. Even though we got rid of a lot if stuff all ready mom wants to get rid of more when we unpack. I made a whole bunch of american girl stuff and plan to take pictures. I won't be able to post them because the cord won't fit into the camera. I will when I can. I love you all.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Mom just left for a two hour massage at Massage Envy. Today her and I went out on a date. We went to Bath and Body and I got some lip gloss and body splash. Warm Vanilla Sugar. Mmmmm. And Old Navy. I got some new shirts and mom a tank top with some new sweaters. We also each got some new wallet things. More like a whole bunch of folders but money sized. While we were at the Mall we each got two dinky donuts. They are really small. They were made fresh right in front of our eyes. With this cool machine that dropped in the dough. The dough floated down the river of oil and was flipped out onto a cooling rack. The only thing the lady had to do was pull the trigger, wait, flip the donuts over, and wait. It was cool. Then her and I went to Target where she bought jeans, I bought make up, and a journal.
While Gracie and I were at my mom's friends house I finished the second season of Lois and Clark. I am crazy for it. Lois and Clark fighting out their relationship. Lois getting mad at Clark and him smiling. I just love it. I Googled both the actors. They both had a small acting career before Lois and Clark. We are waiting for some more from netflix.
While Gracie and I were at my mom's friends house I finished the second season of Lois and Clark. I am crazy for it. Lois and Clark fighting out their relationship. Lois getting mad at Clark and him smiling. I just love it. I Googled both the actors. They both had a small acting career before Lois and Clark. We are waiting for some more from netflix.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Anything I can think of
Today we are leaving to go to my mom's friends house. We will leave this afternoon and get there at about dinner time. We will all stay the weekend and then on Monday Anna and Mom will leave for California. Gracie might go but probably not. Lizzie is worried about Gracie going to her house. So we will see how Gracie does this weekend. She will only go to California if she is like falling apart the whole time and would die to be left alone. Which she probably won't do.
Yesterday we all got up expecting to do all the packing and cleaning of the car and shopping and everything, but we didn't. We did a little shopping, laundry, and fondue. Every Valentines day we have a fondue and since we will be at my mom's friend's house on Valentines day we had it early. Mom sang "The very thought of You" with Nat King Cole on the CD. The whole time I was just laughing and laughing. Her face expressions were so funny. When she was done I asked, "How did you memorize that? You are never good at lyrics." She looked at me and answered, "Probably because I listened to this a hundred times in high school. When everyone else was listening to... I don't know what, I was listening to Nat King Cole." So we didn't do much yesterday. We are doing everything today. Packing, loading, the car, and what not. I have nothing to do because I'm just waiting for the laundry to finish.
I have been looking at Nonnie's new blog lately. It's called Little Nellie. It is about when she was little. There are a lot of cool posts. I noticed that the only people that comment are me and Grandma Sharon. If you don't look at it you should start. In one of the posts she gets stung by a scorpion. She wrote about her first Valentines Day and everything. I have to go. And there isn't anything else that I can think of to post, anyway.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sorry about that, Gracie started pounding on the keyboard begging to play a game on the computer. So it was either let her brake the computer or help her play a game.
Anyway, everything's good here. Mom ordered all the Harry potter movies with her Christmas money. I'm so excited! I can't wait. I love the 6th one especially when Harry takes the liquid luck and he is so funny. Mom says we can have a harry potter marathon when they get here. Which is taking forever! I'm getting so impatient. My new book is coming with the movies and I can't wait! I'm about to explode with impatience!
Yesterday, we worked on cleaning Anna's and Gracie's room so we could organize and rearrange it. Anna kindly said that I could have my own room permanently and she will stay downtairs with Gracie. So, in return I said I would make their room all them like mine is all me. And Anna is really excited. They are going to have bunk beds and they will have room for a section each for their American girl dolls, and for a chair like in my room. I'll take apicture of it when it is done and post it with my new camera! Which I love!
Anna and I worked hard to make a snow mom with a snow baby yesterday. It took forever,but when we were done I took tons of pictures of them. It was fun. Today when we went outside the wasn't sticky so we couldn't make snow balls or snow forts. Dry snow is like cold white sand. You can't pack it together so Anna and I went to the very back of our yard where there is a couple trees and made a house. We made seats by sitting in a big pile of snow and I made extra big footprints in the snow and put pine cones old grains and some dried up berries in them that Anna had collected, made a fire pit out of twigs and set apart a space for beds. It was fun.
Like I always say, I wish I could apparate to you in a second then disapparate backhome. I love and miss you all. Comment!
Anyway, everything's good here. Mom ordered all the Harry potter movies with her Christmas money. I'm so excited! I can't wait. I love the 6th one especially when Harry takes the liquid luck and he is so funny. Mom says we can have a harry potter marathon when they get here. Which is taking forever! I'm getting so impatient. My new book is coming with the movies and I can't wait! I'm about to explode with impatience!
Yesterday, we worked on cleaning Anna's and Gracie's room so we could organize and rearrange it. Anna kindly said that I could have my own room permanently and she will stay downtairs with Gracie. So, in return I said I would make their room all them like mine is all me. And Anna is really excited. They are going to have bunk beds and they will have room for a section each for their American girl dolls, and for a chair like in my room. I'll take apicture of it when it is done and post it with my new camera! Which I love!
Anna and I worked hard to make a snow mom with a snow baby yesterday. It took forever,but when we were done I took tons of pictures of them. It was fun. Today when we went outside the wasn't sticky so we couldn't make snow balls or snow forts. Dry snow is like cold white sand. You can't pack it together so Anna and I went to the very back of our yard where there is a couple trees and made a house. We made seats by sitting in a big pile of snow and I made extra big footprints in the snow and put pine cones old grains and some dried up berries in them that Anna had collected, made a fire pit out of twigs and set apart a space for beds. It was fun.
Like I always say, I wish I could apparate to you in a second then disapparate backhome. I love and miss you all. Comment!
Start then stop
Again, just like last time it has been a long time since I've blogged, buuuut I'm really going to try to keep posting. Mom got a new typing program so that I can get better at typing and it will be easier to email and post.
I miss you all so much. I know that I saw you all not long ago, but I started missing you even while we were still saying goodbye. Everyday I say, "I really wish I could-I gotta go I'll post again as soon as I can. I love you all!
I miss you all so much. I know that I saw you all not long ago, but I started missing you even while we were still saying goodbye. Everyday I say, "I really wish I could-I gotta go I'll post again as soon as I can. I love you all!
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